The Ichik'ryu

Meaning, literally, "the way of Ichik", this small group of Taishando Lizardfolk practice an extreme adherence to principles attributed to Kal'Ichik, the Lizardfolks' greatest king in folklore and history. It was Ichik who brought together, and kept together, the survivors of the Lowland Tsunami. He it was who led the Lizardfolk from their ruined homeland, to salvation, and back again.

But it has never been proven that Kal'Ichik ever said the things attributed to him in this document. It is well known that the Lizardfolk legend was an intense individual; he could live off the land, and was not afraid to change in order to advance his people. He was learnéd, erudite, and focused. However, it is hotly debated within the Lizardfolk historical societies whether or not he ever said anything even resembling the doctrine outlined in this document.


The cult stresses respect for, and obedience to, one's father figure above all laws or other influences.


The cult of Ichik worships a version of the ancient king that frankly never existed; a tough-as-nails, no-nonsense Lizardman who would eat someone just as soon as he would greet anyone. This is a hotly debated subject, which has at times fractured families and friendships.

Public Agenda

The Way of Ichik seeks to proselytize their auster principles, and particular brand of self denial and asceticism, to the Lizardfolk writ large.


The Ichik'ryu culture of asceticism compels them to donate their personal belongings and wealth to the church. The members of the cult live very simply, in small grass huts, eschewing monetary gain for spiritual.

The church elders live in the lap of luxury provided by this donated wealth, which is all concentrated into the top twelve percent of members. These elders are responsible for protecting the future of the church, through political machinations and prudent collection of highland assets, out of the reach of any of the lowlands' many floods. They have attained and prepared enough to house and feed all of their members plus many hundreds more, should another event like the fabled Lowland Tsunami ever transpire.

Live like the legend

Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Swamp Lizards (derogatory), Kangas (as in kanga-roo, derogatory)
Leader Title
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The Lowland Tsunami
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Articles under The Ichik'ryu

Cover image: Nyssa's Jungle


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