Klaus Hineyhammer

Major Domo Klaus Midgard Hineyhammer

The major domo at Waycabin Mystic Overlook, Klaus is a detail-oriented man who loves his job. He is never happier than when he is wearing a tuxedo and making his guests comfortable.    You will never see the shades at Mystic Overlook pulled down to different lengths! The curtains and shades are meticulously cleaned and cared for.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Klaus is in good enough physical condition, and able to get anything he needs done, done. He is very persistent, and very organized.

Facial Features

Klaus proudly sports a moustache, which he cares for fastidiously.

Physical quirks

His hair is always disheveled, no matter how hard he tries to control it.

Special abilities

Klaus is trained in martial arts; the monks of his order train themselves and their bodies incessently. Klaus was far more into training intermittently. Which was not a problem within the Order of Oghma, so they just smiled at him and joked about it with him. Like adults.

Apparel & Accessories

Klaus is almost always wearing a tuxedo and bow tie, outside of his quarters.

Specialized Equipment

He has a special set of silver serving trays and cutlery, about a thousand bow ties, and very very comfortable shoes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Klaus left home when his biological parents would not accept his sexuality (Klaus is a trans man), and quickly found himself being cared for by the monks at the Order of Oghma. They soothed his roiling emotions, and helped him to see how worthy he is as a human being, and finally he had a cushy job as an archivist for the The Greys. He got this job as a Major Domo at the urging of the supportive environment he is now surrounded with.   You mess with him, you're messing with all the Hineyhammers.

Gender Identity

Klaus identifies as a man, and enjoys doing things traditionally associated with men. He's an amazing shot with a shortbow, a fantastic boar hunter, and has been known to associate with ladies of the night now and then.


[spoiler]Klaus is, to be frank, a giant poon-hound. He's horny as a twelve point stag. He's also a machine in the bedroom.]/spoiler]    He is dedicated to "vigorous consensual relations".


His latter years spent with the knowledge-hungry monks at the Order of Oghma, Klaus is one of the most highly educated people in Pax that is not solidly ensconced in the dusty but warm embrace of academia.


Klaus is, at the moment, the Major Domo   at the Waycabin Mystic Overlook. He is overqualified, to say the least. Nobody knows why he decided to leave his cushy job at the library, and come here to slave for Lydia Hartunian. He just smiles, often saying it is easier to meet women, to his friends.

Mental Trauma

Klaus was driven from his parents' home, and almost died living in the streets. Taken in by the monks at the Library of the Order of Oghma, Klaus has the pick of the litter as far as jobs there at the library. Yet, still, he claims to like this more.

Intellectual Characteristics

He's, like, "Whooooo" kind of smart. The dude that can do long division in his head.

Morality & Philosophy

He will always, always, help a child in need. Almost anyone in need, if one were to be perfectly honest.


Book burning, censorship, and child abuse of any sort; the latter driving him into a violent, almost berserk, rage.

Personality Characteristics


Until very recently, gathering knowledge. Now, though, he is the Major Domo   of the Waycabin Mystic Overlook, so one would have to ask him.


Contacts & Relations

The Order of Oghma, Cass Elliot, and (Unbeknownst to him), the orphaned Artful Hineyhammer is his nephew.    Klaus knows the child exists, but has no idea about their circumstances.

Family Ties

Klaus' biological family did not accept him as he "came of age."

Religious Views

Oghma's the best, man!

Social Aptitude

Zero! He stays very, very quiet around people.


  • Klaus is, by far, the most organized human being on Tellus. At least, if you ask anyone that works with him! They hate to admit it, but Klaus' strict discipline makes their lives a whole lot easier in the end.
  • Klaus whistles habitually, not even realizing he is doing it.


Very slow and refined, while he is 'butling'. Regular old Eastern Craysilt drawl otherwise.


Klaus Hineyhammer


Towards Artful Heineyhammer


Artful Heineyhammer


Towards Klaus Hineyhammer


Wealth & Financial state

While he lives modestly, Klaus has access to plenty of money.
Current Status
Major Domo at Mystic Overlook
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Major Domo   .
Current Residence
Mystic Overlook
Dark brown
Black, curly, unruly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White skinned human
180 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Of course, sir." "Very well, madame." "Would you like some bacon wrapped sea scallops, ma'am?" "Gannon, if I catch you sleeping in the hay again, I'm going to stake you down, cover you with honey, and let the ants get at you!" "Mary, your grandmother has died twice, now, dear. Go back to work."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
He knows all the common ones, and a few of the uncommon ones, and one dead one. He is very smart, and very well educated.
Character Prototype
Character Portrait image: Klaus Hineyhammer by H Ogni
This article has no secrets.


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