Municipal Steward

Greynor is a bustling place, full of life, laughter, and love; as well as death, addiction, and despair. It is the City of Refuge, and famous for its unregulated markets, but the soft white underbelly of the city is all the more evident for all that.

The rogue came first, around the bend, and Andrew had to snatch his broom and bucket out of the sprinting adventurer's way. The black-clad fashion icon was quickly followed by a tight cluster of adventurers...a knight splashing along the shallow sewer in his plate armor, while the wizard ran right past Andrew on the maintainance platform. Last of all came the barbarian, obviously angry that they were fleeing from something.

The adventuring party swept past Andrew without ever even looking at him, but Andrew could not blame them. Chezzie the Otyugh was a mere three seconds behind them, gleefully giving chase with a loud splashing of waste-water, and an even louder gurgling from several of her never-ever-quite-full stomachs. It was a messy affair, and Andrew knew enough to duck back behind the girth of one of the pillars holding the city up as they passed, thankfully missing out on the grand share of shit water.

The sounds of the party faded into the distance, and Andrew went back to scrubbing the graffiti off of the wall of the sewer. Chessie the Otyugh came frolicking back the way she had come while Andrew was hosing down the rest of this section of the tunnel. It was much less messy, this time, and Andrew let her pass by without incident. They had an understanding, him and Chessie did.

Andrew picked up his tool bucket and headed back to the depot for his next assignment, helping a kid get safely down the ladders, away from pursuers, and to the closest Wharf Rats den on the way.

He knew a lot of folks who would not do this job for love nor money, but Andrew had both and was not too worried about what others thought of his profession. He made more coin than the highest ranking Town Guard, and that did not even include overtime or perks. His wife loved him a-plenty, he showered off at his depot before he went home, and often stopped at the beach to surf for a couple of hours, as well. He was plenty clean, no matter what people said about him, and when he retired with his Kingdoms pension, he would be laughing all the way to the bank every month.

Yessir, Greynor is a bustling place; and the Municipal Stewards are some of the unsung heroes keeping it that way.


Willingness to work hard, demonstrated ability to work as part of a team, and anosmia. Proficiency with water vehicles a plus. Please enquire at the local office.


Keeping the complex waterways of the underground sewer system clog free and working optimally is the job of a small army of men, women, and sometimes even children, in the form of the Wharf Rats, who made and make their homes down there under the city streets. Many of the Municiple Wardens are, in fact, former Wharf Rats who have grown up and made good of themselves.

Social Status

While the perceived status is quite low, sanitation workers in Greynor, in general, are quite respected. They do a tough job very few are willing to do, and at the end of the day, the population knows it.


Less than one tenth of one percent of the population of the city are needed to fill this role.


The very first Municipal Steward was a guy named Earl Klatch, who pioneered the entire department, and saved the city from a tidal wave of sewage that would certainly have been blown in through the storm drains if they were not clear. His portrait is etched into the wall of the Steward Depot in Greynor.

Career Progression

Progressing through 'helper', to 'mechanic', to 'foreman', to 'supervisor', with multiple grades of each.

Other benefits

Very competitive salary, vacation and sick time, health care at the local temples and churches, and paid lunch breaks. Family leave is also available upon request and approval.



Boats, mops, and buckets; brooms, rakes, and shovels; gloves and Rilinen overalls; waterproof boots, goggles, and ear protection built into the helmet.


The prepared Warden has rope, strapping, wire, and a fully stocked toolbox with him in his boat at all times. It is imperative to carry fresh water, as a Warden, and soap. Wear a mask all the time.


The vaulted sewerways underneath the flooded city of Greynor are works of wonder unto themselves; but they shall be gotten into in another volume of this series.

The sewers are all of Dwarven construction, and cleverly built with hidden niches and access panels for the workers. There is a depot built into the complex with shower facilities and sterilization rooms when necessary, and a cleric is on hand at all times to tend to any sick or wounded in the line of doody¹.

Provided Services

Health and wellness clinics, fiduciaries, professional Guilds, lunch lots of times.

Dangers & Hazards

The chances of getting sick really are quite high, and no one wants their life to end drowned in sewage, yet these are two of the very real dangers faced by Wardens every time they go to work.

¹ The author decided that, all in all, the quip had to stay.


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