
The Wonder Weave

Gnaomi Gnatterdragon
for the Greynor Gazette
Pg. 3, Prill 23, 5438NG

Made for the working folks of Tellus, this innovative new fabric has been taking the scene by storm. Touted as 'buy once' items, meaning they will not deteriorate under normal wear and tear, clothing made from the weave is pricier than most, yet is still much more affordable than any of the frippery or finery of the Royal Court. The crafters believe in their product so much that they are willing to stake their livelihoods on it, and have offered a money back guarantee to anyone who can 'wear out' the fabric. Oh sure, it can be ripped and torn, puntured and slashed, but the makers stand by their statement that the fabric will not simply wear out.

"Between the two materials used to make the fabric," said one of the inventors and primary craftsman, Gned Gneedermeyer, when we caught up with him at the world famous institute of Higher Education we like to call The Bardic College Campus, "which are both naturally hydrophobic and antibacterial, the Aralind Silk is the main structural component. However, when woven together with Rilworm silk, is when it truly shines as a product. The two main ingredients compliment each other so much that it is nearly impossible for items made with Rilinen to wear out naturally. There is no Elf alive on Tellus that could outlive it, despite daily wear and tear, and that is a guarantee from us here at Rilinen Industries in Greynor."


Material Characteristics

It is a light, yet very strong fabric that can be cut and sewn like any other cloth. It resembles a light cotton in texture, but can be woven into dense material suitable for work clothes and gloves. It is waterproof, tear resistant and dye-able, but most importantly for sweaty working folks, it is breatheable. I wicks moisture away from the skin, and even provides cooling properties as it evaporates off the excess moisture.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It is cool to the touch, very smooth unless woven to be rough. It has virtually zero friction when rubbed against itself, making it excellent for work clothes and riding garments.


Trade & Market

While items made from this material are fabricated all over Pax, the bulk of the fabric itself is made in Greynor, the City of Refuge.


It can be stored wet, cold, hot, or in direct sunlight, according to the manufacturer, making it extremely useful in the manufacture of desert tents and carpets.
Undyed, it is a light azure blue
Melting / Freezing Point
351° ±2.38°C
1.33 g/cm³
Related Locations
Related Species


Clothing made from Rilinen is spread across Pax in general and in particular, the intricasies of making the material too involved to have yet made the process tenable elsewhere.


Discovered by a (frankly) hung over School of Fashion Design student at the iconographic Bardic College Campus in 5427NG, the fabric has taken the working world by storm.

Life and Expiration

Two thousand years!
Disclaimer: we have been unable to independantly verify this statement.


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