Phineas P. Fogg Character in Tellus | World Anvil

Phineas P. Fogg

Burgermeister Phineas Percival Fogg

Running on a political platform that stresses economic prosperity and individual freedom, Phineas keeps winning elections by running on what he calls his "Common Sense Platform", espousing rugged individuality and self sufficiency.
Security: Ensuring the safety of Cloud Nine and its residents is a top priority for Mr. Fogg. He continually works to improve the city's defense systems and emergency response capabilities.   Sustainability: Mr. Fogg is committed to environmental stewardship and strives to reduce the city's ecological footprint. He encourages the use of renewable energy sources and environmentally friendly practices.   Community Engagement: The Burgermeister places a strong emphasis on engaging with the city's residents. He regularly hosts town hall meetings and seeks input on important decisions.   Cultural Enrichment: Mr. Fogg recognizes the value of culture and education and has invested in the development of cultural institutions and educational facilities.   Economic Prosperity: He promotes economic growth and trade opportunities, which benefit both residents and the city as a whole.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life and Ascent to Leadership

Phineas P. Fogg was born in Cloud Nine and grew up in a well-respected family known for their contributions to the city's governance. He received a quality education, fostering a keen intellect and a sense of responsibility from a young age. As he entered adulthood, Fogg became involved in local politics and quickly gained a reputation for his leadership skills and commitment to the well-being of Cloud Nine's residents. He was elected as Burgermeister, a role he served with distinction.

Gender Identity

Phineas is a patriarchal figure, stepping into the role vacated by the death of his father.


Phineas has been known to enjoy groundling brothels a little too much, which his wife of thirty years is not the biggest fan of, but shrugs off, nonetheless.


Political Science: Phineas's interest in politics and governance led him to study political science. He gained insights into the theory and practice of government, leadership, and policy-making.   Economics: Understanding economic principles, trade, and commerce is vital for a future leader. Phineas studied economics to grasp the intricacies of managing the city's resources and economy.   Leadership and Management: To prepare for leadership roles, Phineas received training in leadership and management principles, honing skills in decision-making, problem-solving, and interpersonal communication.   Ethics and Philosophy: Developing a strong moral compass is essential for a leader. It is vital to know Phineas might have studied ethics and philosophy to explore questions of values, ethics, and governance.


Assistant to the City Council (Early Career): Phineas began his career by working as an assistant to the Cloud Nine City Council. In this role, he learned about the inner workings of local government, administrative procedures, and the importance of community engagement.   City Planning Department (Mid-Career): Phineas transitioned to the City Planning Department, where he contributed to urban development and infrastructure projects. His work included zoning regulations, city design, and sustainability initiatives. This experience deepened his understanding of how a city like Cloud Nine can be efficiently organized and developed.   Deputy Burgermeister (Mid-Career): Recognizing his leadership potential and dedication to the city's well-being, Phineas was appointed as the Deputy Burgermeister. In this role, he supported the Burgermeister in governance and decision-making. He gained valuable experience in city administration, policy development, and community relations.   Burgermeister (Late Career): Following his tenure as Deputy Burgermeister, Phineas P. Fogg successfully ran for the position of Burgermeister. As the city's leader, he took on the responsibilities of overseeing all city operations, representing Cloud Nine in negotiations with groundling cities, and ensuring the safety and prosperity of its residents.
Current Status
CEO of Cloud Nine
Current Location
Current Residence
Burgermeister's Haus
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White skinned human
225 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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