The Corsaires

The air pirates out of the City of Cloud Nine.


Master→Captain→First Mate→Second Mate→Navigator→Quartermaster→Boatswain→Surgeon→Carpenter→Cook→Deck Hand→Cabin Boy


The Corsaires are a rough and tumble lot of criminally minded, self serving and treacherous individuals, all brought together by a dynamic Master with a wide murderous streak and impeccable sense of fashion.

Public Agenda

To take what's theirs, and live free and well.


Their airship; a clubhouse in Cloud Nine; several buried hordes all over Tellus; a bar called Flyaways, their own floating island hideout.


The air around Cloud Nine, and over Pax in general. They have begun to cause a real problem for Cloud Nine.


1.The Captain's Word is Law The Captain's orders are to be obeyed without question during times of action or conflict. Disobeying the Captain's orders may result in severe consequences. 2. Equal Share of the Loot All crew members are entitled to an equal share of the plunder and booty. The spoils of the raid shall be divided fairly amongst the crew, with the Captain receiving a double share. 3. No Stealing from Crewmates Stealing from fellow crew members is strictly prohibited. Violators shall face immediate punishment, which may include marooning or walking the plank. 4. Respect for the Ship All crew members are responsible for the maintenance and cleanliness of the ship. Damage to the ship, intentional or otherwise, shall be compensated by the responsible party. 5. Dispute Resolution by Duel Disputes between crew members shall be settled through duels. The quarreling parties shall choose their weapons and duel until one concedes or is incapacitated. Disputes with the Captain may only be challenged by the First Mate. 6. Parley with Other Crews When confronted by other pirate crews, the crew shall always offer the opportunity for parley before engaging in combat. Respect for the Pirate's Code is paramount. 7. Loyalty to the Crew Betrayal of the crew or sharing crew secrets with outsiders is punishable by death. Loyalty to the crew is the highest virtue among the Sky Raiders. 8. Fair Division of Responsibilities All crew members are expected to participate in ship duties, including navigation, lookout, and raiding. Those who shirk their responsibilities shall receive a reduced share of the loot. 9. No Striking of the Black Flag The black flag symbolizes the crew's identity as air pirates. No crew member shall strike the black flag unless authorized by the Captain in extreme circumstances. 10. Respect for Parlay When an enemy surrenders and invokes parlay, crew members must respect the truce. Harming those under parlay protection is forbidden.

Live Free or Die


  • Cloud Nine
    A floating city, Cloud Nine is hidden from below by clever illusions and constant cloud cover.
Guild, Privateers
Alternative Names
Blanque's Thugs
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Precious metal coins, gemstones, barter.
Legislative Body
The officers.
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

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