
Respite, known in medical circles as diamorphine, is a semi-synthetic product of the opium poppy. Taken in ways that will enter the bloodstream quickly, it can produce intense feelings of euphoria and peace. It is a powerful pain killer, that makes ingesters feel peaceful, cosy, and relaxed. Users are much more likely to trust others, having had their sense of self-preservation erased and replaced with pure pleasure and a sense of serenity.
Respite requires a cumulative Con save to avoid the effects of the drug, which works thusly: The character notes their Constitution Modifier. This is how many hours they can go, inside The Warehouse, without having to make a saving throw against any ill effects. Each hour thereafter, a Constitution Saving throw is made. The DC is: 8+H, H being the number of hours that that character has been within the walls (and under the ceilings of) The Warehouse. Resting, whether Long or Short, within the confines of The Warehouse, immediately sets the DC to 20. Otherwise, the DC will cap out at 20 as the hours pass by.
If a character fails three consecutive Respite  saves, they will be Incapacitated for three hours. An incapacitated character must make a death save every hour, waking up after three successes, or dying after three failures.
Respite is very addictive, and will cause deteriorating health over time. Within a cycle of twenty eight days, ones body can become addicted to the drug physically, as well as mentally and emotionally. This is the point that is often the death knell for such unfortunates, they only have yet to believe it. They will become untrustworthy around valuables, and unreliable in all other matters. They will begin robbing, stealing, and lying to get what they need, and very often, death is quick to follow.

Manufacturing process

Opium sap is placed in boiling water with lime, and the morphine boils off in a long white ribbon that is then scooped off of the top. This part of the process takes several hours to complete. The morphine is then boiled down with ammonia, filtered, and then boiled again until it becomes a brownish paste, and is dried into bricks. Many chemicals are then used for separating, boiling, and mixing, to further acetylate the mixture into the final product.


The sordid history of Respite is long, and very, very sad.


It began as an alternative to opiate medicates, lauded as a cheaper and less addictive drug safe to treat everything from the worst pains, to simple coughs, to tuberculosis. It quickly became an underground social phenomenon that has become quite culturally frowned upon, although there are some significant medical uses for the drug.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Very rare, but not rare enough.
Base Price
1 GP per 1g
Raw materials & Components
Poppy seed pods, powdered sugar, caffeine extracted from coca pods, acetic anhydride, chloroform, sodium carbonate, alcohol, ether, hydrochloric acid.
Cauldrons, strainers, tongs, fire control, face masks, weapons, banana leaves for packaging.


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