The Covenant

No one is quite sure who wrote the Covenant, or when, but it has become widely regarded as an extremist text amongst Taishando Lizardfolk, who already live relatively austere and simple lifestyles.

Incidentally, many Lizardfolk cannot read and are therefore wont to take other extremists' word as to what the text reads, and in this way the already minimalist nature of the document became even more ascetic over time.


This document was meant to unit all Lizardfolk in simple living and stringent adherence to a set of principles attributed to the legendary Kal'Ichik.

Document Structure


It is written simply, and easily understandable to Lizardfolk sensibilities.


This is known as an extremist document amongst most of Lizardfolk society.

Publication Status

The only place it has ever been "published" is at the world famous Bardic College Campus. There is a copy at the paraarchaeology department, and another at the Great Library of Oghma, in Greynor. Other than those two printed copies, only handwritten copies are available.

Legal status

This document has never been legally binding in any way; it is simply the doctrine of an extremist sect.

Historical Details


No one is sure who wrote the first copy, or when, but it is purported to have been sometime in the early 4000s, NG.


As the extremists known as The Ichik'ryu will tell you proudly, it was one of their number that drew up the Covenant in the first place. Since then, they have cleverly manuevered the document into political mainstream consciousness, more or less forcing all Lizardfolk to at least know of the document as a historically factual missive.

Public Reaction

Most Lizardfolk see the document as extreme, and the rules therein as superfluous. But many believe, deep down, that the Covenant is the word of Kal'Ichik, passed down unto them throughout the ages, despite all evidence to the contrary.
The Covenant
Fabled Ichik'i by H. Ogni
Taishando Lizardfolk
Ethnicity | Jul 4, 2024

Dance like someone's watching...

Text, Religious


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