
Ashborn is the very particular ethnicity of the Ashenfeld clan. While it was once considered just another of the elven tribal ethnicity, it has since become the "ideal" race of the ashenfeld canton. While they aren't performing any sort of ethnic cleansing or practical relocation, there are many Ashborn within the canton's upper crust that will not associate with anyone who isn't also an Ashborn. This sentiment is also surprisingly echoed by the "lower crust", a remanence of tribal mentality. The Ashborn tradesmen on the other hand, often do not have the luxury of being so discriminatory.

Naming Traditions

Family names



Beauty Ideals

The ashenfelds are naturally pale and do view darker skin as slightly distasteful. This means that most Ashborn, even common field hands, will often wear large floppy hats to shade their face.

Gender Ideals

In Ashborn culture, it is a mother's duty to teach the younger generation the technical skills required to do battle, and the father's duty to teach them the practical skills required for the same. Women are meant to stay at home, as is the case in many other cultures, but they are seen more as guardians/defenders rather than helpless housewives.
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