
Berguur is the most visited Southern Nomad settlement in the western continent. It is a major trade hub, specifically with 9 families and Belvalli Kingdom tradesmen. There are also representatives from the Orc Hegomony and the eastern polities, but these nations are more densely represented in Borguur.


Berguur and Borguur rival Macia in terms of the diversity of inhabitants. However, the majority are human, with much of the diversity being temporary inhabitants that only stay for short periods or seasonally.


Berguur is run by a Colonel of the Southern Nomad Junta from the department of development.


The city has a large hilltop fort known as the citadel. The citadel has a large moat with a decently sized static bridge to prevent large scale approach.

Industry & Trade

Luxury items such as spices, dyes, silks, exotic animals, and gems are the bread and butter of trade in Berguur and Borguur. There is also a significant trade of magical ingredients.


With travel being the great nomadic pastime, many of the city features revolve around speed of travel. The city runestone stores momentum from the movement of souls throughout the city. The inhabitants are almost entirely unaware. The more magically inclined individuals can detect an almost overwhelming stench of magic, mostly concentrated at the runestone, but this is explained as a "calming aura" to help facilitate trade. This "auric magic" is entirely fake, but has extensive documentation, the nomads even going so far as to create a fake oath that certain paladins supposedly follow regarding this calmness.   The shortmill. This windmill actually sticks out a bit over the water in order to catch the more consistent winds that blow across the bay into town... actually, the winds blow right towards the runestone... well, never you mind.   People will also note the incredibly high number of roads snaking off into the distance. Some roads, such as the imperial highway, stretch all the way through 9 families control to the former imperial capitol inside of Belvalli lands. These roads are mostly to force people into the formation that triggers the land rune ritual, but they do have the added benefit of allowing the nearby region to bring goods to market. However, the nomads don't seem particularly concerned with patrolling the smaller roads around their area with military force, so this benefit is mitigated by the bandit presence.

Guilds and Factions

The most significant presence in the city besides the nomads is the Belvalli. They even have a section of the city that, while not nominally under their control, the nomads give them incredible leniency within. This is the district of Shortmill, named after the first non-nomad permanent feature of Borguur.   The other major district is officially named "Harmony", but most Berguurans refer to it as Pigcrown. This district houses the major 9 families embassies and warehouses.   There is also technically a third major district, although clearcliff is a much looser area than the two foreign polity districts. Clearcliff houses many non-affiliated citizens Berguur, many of whom formed the clearcliff guild as an independent competitor to the national interests of Pigcrown and Shortmill.    The Chapels on the other hand is a non-incorporated guild, but is still a major player in Bergurran internal politics. It is the result of the myriad of religions that traders have brought through, and the encouragement of the nomads for these religions to establish a permanent presence. The nomads acknowledged from early on that the religions of the twin continents were major players, especially in the east, and wanted the ability to have more consistent information regarding the situations. To this end, the priests of The Chapels are pampered by the establishment, and Berguur is seen as a vanity posting for favored clergy in the various religions established there.


Many people come to Berguur to tour the Chapels. It's said the Berguur is truly the only city in the world where you can talk to a priest of every single known religion.


One of the strategically opulent displays of wealth that the nomads display is in the architecture of the twin cities. The roofs of Berguur and Borguur are all made with yellow clay tiling, and the walls are made of a yellow clay - porcelain mixture that, while on the cheaper side, only the most skilled potters are capable of creating. The gleaming yet strong yellow porcelain has also given the twin cities the nickname "The cities of glass".


Berguur sits on one side of a large bay which allows large ships to dock with relative safety. It is not near a river or lake but has several cisterns and wells dotting the city to provide drinking water to the populace. In the only known water shortage druids and paladins were called from nearby settlements to offset the shortage.


  • Berguur
    A map of the city of Berguur
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
North Gate, City of glass
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization