Benoni Character in Tempests of Wysteria | World Anvil
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Prince Benoni Hraefnscaga Stormheart

"I was born Ankhbayar.
  It means 'first joy' in our local tongue.   I don't like writing extensively about my youth. It's the sort of glowing thing that looks from afar like stained glass, but up close is just melting ice casting shimmering dapples, colored with nostalgia. It's like spilling diamonds. Spilling milk.   The furthest thing back in my memory was when I held Nergüi in my arms for the first time. His name means "no name"; it's meant to confuse evil spirits who may come his way.   I was never very strong. I could barely carry him. I'd just turned four, and I held him up in my arms with shaky knees.   And though he stands before me now, I don't think I ever put him down since."  
-a confessional placed somewhere amongst millions on the Trail of Truth.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to Lester Sylvek Stormheart and Serengerel Hraefnscaga, daughter of Scribe Toddkhuslen Hraefnscaga, Benoni was born just hours after the miscarried Yacoub prince. From the tender age of three to almost eight, Benoni would study endlessly to become a candidate for the crownsrace while the inner court debated over and over whether the miscarried baby died after birth or before birth. Despite this controversy, the free-spirited Lester Crowned granted Benoni his name and place as a Panthora Majora prince regardless, though there were signs that Benoni's health was failing.   It was eventually ruled that the baby died in the womb, making Benoni the eldest prince of Stormfell, rendering him essentially ineligible for the throne due to long-time superstition that the firstborn ascending the throne would lead to misfortune and disaster befalling Stormfell. The resources previously invested in Benoni's education and health seems to skid to a halt and transfer over to his younger brother, who he'd essentially brought up singlehandedly when they both studied at the Capital Royal Academy. According to his classmates, Benoni attended his courses the next day as usual.   It is said that Benoni would hereon give up his pursuit of wizardry, mythological history, and clerical studies into Tempest to instead study under the Hierophant of Life to learn powerful healing magic. Specifics are unknown, as the Hraefnscaga family no longer published his progress in the news.   Benoni withdrew from school to study at church instead two weeks after his brother, Corvin, was named the last member of the Panthora Majora. It was originally speculated that this was out of a competitive desire to achieve breakthroughs in magical prowess, but Benoni's near total cessation from public eye quashed this rumor quickly.   According to all who know them, Benoni is very close with his younger brother. Some accounts describe them as "inseparable", though Corvin is known to deny that notion.


Studied from age 3 to age 12 at the Capital Royal Academy. Focused on Wizardry, Political Science, Mythological History, Written History, Alchemy, and Clerical Arts. Withdrew before the end of his final term to devote his full time to church.   Studied from age 5 to age 8 under the head Justices of the various national courts.   Studied from age 8 to age 23 under the Hierophant of Life at the Church of Beginnings. Departed at the commencement of the Crownsrace.


Family Ties

Grandson of Toddkhuslen Hraefnscaga.
Son of Serengerel Hraefnscaga and Lester Sylvek Stormheart.
Three-quarters brother to Corvin Hraefnscaga Stormheart.

Hobbies & Pets

Has a purebred Blackbird Forest tomb guard named Her Majesty. Nicknamed Maj. Very lazy and proud, not known to behave aggressively towards people she knows. Can be defensive around strangers and even dangerous to challengers.


Slow and airy, with a particular tendency to space out or trail off, then pause for a long time in thought. Can go on for minutes if uninterrupted. Generally very polite and humble, but known to have a passive aggressive side.
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Duke, [Panthora Majora] Prince, Cardinal
Date of Birth
May 21st, Lester I
Year of Birth
1321 PQ 24 Years old
History of the Blackbird Forest
Current Residence
History of the Blackbird Forest
Red with long lashes, curves up at outer corners
Decently long, brown, peculiarly styled
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan with a slightly sickly yellow hue
136 lbs
Aligned Organization

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Oct 8, 2020 03:34


Dec 4, 2020 02:16

catch me sobbing

Apr 1, 2021 20:16

the second best prince

Apr 1, 2021 20:16

The first isn't corvin btw