Hellrising Language in Tempests of Wysteria | World Anvil
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SPOILER WARNING: Unless your character speaks Hellrising, you shouldn't read this page!   Characters who speak Hellrising, as of right now: VÜQRÅ'OËLVHRNIIR ARCHBISHOP
Rid of her gag, the tiefling spat a discordant jumble of strange words threaded with hisses and tongue clicks. The pronunciations are all familiar to their captors, yet the combination of sounds is incomprehensible and confusing. This strange familiarity disorients them as they attempt to sort through the tiefling's words, their shaken focus making them now a prime target for sneak attack. To those who speak not the tongue of the underground, the harsh syllables and threatening sounds in Hellrising spell danger- but to those who speak it, it is a boiling rebellion right in their mouths.

Writing System

Written as with Old Common, with various squiggles that differ from place to place to indicate raw sounds. As Hellrising is not often written unless out of desperation by someone who does not speak another language, its symbols for sounds are usually local.

Geographical Distribution

Far and wide, Hellrising is spoken as a direct mirror of Stormscommon. Most speakers of it populate the undergrounds of Stormfell or at the Drylands nearest its borders. It's more a language of organizations, utilized first by the Riders and later by the Caravan and drylanders at large. Now, it is a widely known language of the underground, and is no longer treated as an encryption.


Hellrising is... quiet the interesting language... it does not distinguish sentence rhythm between commas and periods... much like... actually... this note... and instead just utilizes the same break... written usually as elipses... sometimes as semicolons... but... really... it doesn't matter... your point will be made...


Hellrising was birthed as a cobbled mess of Infernal and the Old Common, sometimes known as Hellscommon; it was more a linguistic structure than a true language. It was comprehensible to everyone who spoke both, but hard to understand if missing either. As time passed, Hellrising adopted choice words from more cultures and grew to be a more commonly spoken language, the consonants and gutteral sounds of Infernal mixing with an accented Old Common to create the first true lingual Hellscommon.   When the empire of Stormfell first began its conquests, Hellscommon had become widespread enough of a minority language that it was adopted as the language of the rebellion. The rebels, lead by Latent Tieflings, mixed and flipped around its Old Common roots to be unrecognizable as words and changed name to Hellrising.   Now, Hellrising can be partially understood-- mostly in unimportant grammatical junctions, not important parts such as common nouns or adjectives, which are more Infernal-- if given time by a scholar of Old Common, but the time it takes to do so makes Hellrising an excellent oral means of communication. It is written with a script similar to Stormscommon, punctuated with drawings and notations to imply sounds. However, since written Hellrising is much easier to understand, rebels try to communicate by written word as infrequently as possible.


-Hellrising does not use nouns or personal and relative pronouns, as the Infernal aspect of it can easily lead to quite dangerous magical occurrences without notice. Instead, most names can be established by using its name in another language or describing the object of interest.   -Those references are then gestured, and when later referring to them, the same gesture would be repeated while speech halts.   -By the same logic, when no noun is preestablished, any dangling verb is assumed to be used in the first person (I).   -A notable exception is Iiblist [Iblis], an icon of whimsy and lawlessness, referenced for good luck. It is not referred to like a deity, more like a concept. A good comparison is something like "may you have tailwind".   -All this lend Hellrising to its early speakers as an encrypted code that could be used militarily and changed day-to-day, requiring all its speakers to have over 13 Wisdom to speak Hellrising without assistive nouns from other languages.


Hellrising is a complete language, but many nouns are discouraged as they carry magic. As with Old Common, Hellrising verbs carry the subject rather the tense- so instead of "you have tanned", it would be "you-tan have-d".


Pronounced as with Old Common, with some exceptions: -Hisses, tongue clicks, throat fries, and growls are used in many more Infernal-based segments. -Consonants are more emphasized, and are sometimes even connected together in lieu of pronouncing intermittent vowels. -A whistle between sharp canines is sometimes used to indicate a noun, much like a gesture, since its unique sound cannot be repeated by most humans.
Root Languages
Spoken by
Common Phrases
krü'aszida Iimfriit!
accurséd humans!
IIblist siblokhrjj (a throat fry, a nod)...
Iblis bless (you).
(small neck roll) na'iimir...
(it) is raining.
Common Female Names
Hellrising-speaking peoples usually have their own traditional nomenclature and names.
Common Male Names
See above.
Common Unisex Names
See above.

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Oct 8, 2020 03:36

very cool. kind of cryptic. 10/10