Latent Tiefling Ethnicity in Tempests of Wysteria | World Anvil
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Latent Tiefling

No warning, but remember to check against what your character would and wouldn't know.
The form of his mother crumples before him as the Stormfallen guard violently retracts her pike, the sick ripping sound of flesh mixing with the blood pounding louder, louder, louder in his ears. The bile rising in his throat burned the inside of his mouth with a screaming stream of fire down to his stomach, through all his limbs, flickering at the tip of every finger and every toe.   His mother's blue eyes, that of a human, strained with effort to lock on him. Fire burns in him and his temples are pulsing and screaming, tearing at his scalp as if it were growing. Mother's lips parted as if in a plead as a tear slipped out the corner of an eye and crossed her temple to the earth on which she rests. She is still, a cold arm reaching out towards a smaller one, growing redder with the fire beneath.   With a haunting scream, the young boy's temples exploded with twin clouds of blood as great horns twisted out of his skull, his rye skin searing into an unnatural shade of dark red. His nails thickened and sharpened like talons, and his teeth grit against each other in a too-small mouth for long, pointed canines. His irises dissolves into seas of gold which burned words, foreign words that seemed to always have been there, into his brain.   The latent tiefling rose to his feet, an indescribable authority rolling underneath his ragged clothes, and called Iblis' fire to his hands and a promise of destruction to his lips.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Depending on backstory, most Latent Tieflings carry Human or Tiefling names.

Masculine names

Depending on backstory, most Latent Tieflings carry Human or Tiefling names.

Unisex names

Depending on backstory, most Latent Tieflings carry Human or Tiefling names.

Family names

Latent Tieflings tend to carry their Human family names or choose one themselves, especially if their family was not good to them.


Major language groups and dialects

Latent Tieflings speak language based on their location, though all innately speak Infernal and therefore easily can comprehend and learn to speak Hellrising. Those living in Wysteria are more likely to know Stormscommon, while those in Caomh are likelier to know Caomhic Elvish.

Culture and cultural heritage

Some Latent Tieflings know since their human days that they have tiefling heritage within them that could potentially turn them into one through a painful and dangerous process that could kill someone young, old, or of weak constitution.. This creates a certain aversion to explosive emotion, even for post-trauma Latent Tieflings, and thus develops a culture of collectedness.

Shared customary codes and values

For Latent Tieflings living within human or tiefling societies, they generally try to conform as much as possible, and often do not ever talk about their experiences as the other race. They generally hold values akin to their communities.

Average technological level

According to community.

Common Etiquette rules

According to community.

Common Dress code

According to community.

Art & Architecture

According to community, though their works of art-- visual, literary, and performance-- are often highly praised for their expressiveness of the meaning of identity and the role of one within the universe. They also practice complex body painting to estrange their more human skin tone.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

According to community.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

According to community.

Coming of Age Rites

When a Latent Tiefling awakens their bloodline within a community of Tieflings, latent or otherwise, there is sometimes a local celebration of welcoming a member of their race back into their rightful form. When this happens within Stormfell, they are often sold out of the family anonymously to protect the identity of their tiefling heritage-bearing parents, or smuggled out of Stormfell.

Funerary and Memorial customs

According to community.

Common Taboos

Generally, depending on the society in which they live in, Latent Tieflings loath to bring up the other part of their identity.

Common Myths and Legends

It is said that Latent Tieflings who never truly fit in to either side of their heritage and flit back and forth between the lines in death become devil servants of Libra, the two-faced Monument of Lies.

Historical figures

-Major players in the Riders' rebellion were Latent Tieflings who knew the inner workings of Stormfell and harbored intense hatred of Humans. -Historically, groups of Latent Tieflings have gathered together to help Rider raids from the inside. -Though many Latent Tieflings serving as Riders conceal their identities as Latent as well as their histories in Stormfell to protect their families and friends there, many high-ranking Riders are believed to be Latent.


Beauty Ideals

For many Latent Tieflings able to escape Stormfell, bearing a resemblance to their former selves is considered shameful. They decorate themselves with extravagant colors and paint fancy patterns over their skins to disguise the slightly more humanlike skin-tone they display than natural Tieflings. Meanwhile, for Latent Tieflings living within Stormfell, they struggle to cover up their heritage in any way possible, between thick, caked layers of powder and tall hats.

Gender Ideals

Depends on circumstance. Within Stormfell, their values tend to align with the Humans, albeit are even more strictly followed out of fear of standing out. Outside of Stormfell, the ideals fall on individuals and the groups they associate with.

Courtship Ideals

Latent Tieflings within Stormfell are generally socially and emotionally barred from having children of their own, so courtship is therefore discouraged as well. Outside, they more often than not court other Latent Tieflings or true Tieflings, out of a general wish to truly feel like they belong within Tiefling communities. However, many Latent Tieflings still have desires for Human courtship items, such as bracelets and sketchbooks/notebooks, rather than the classic Tiefling horn-rings. In general, Latent Tieflings desire a sense of belonging and acceptance, as well as fierce loyalty. If you can devote yourself to one for life and they can sense it, they will swear their life upon you as well.

Relationship Ideals

Latent Tieflings struggle to fit into true Tiefling communities due to differing values and ways of life, but tend to make the choice as the alternative-- Humans-- tend to pose an even more difficult case. Generally, they tend to be more conforming to expectations, and thus greatly desire the company of those who can understand them and excuse their mistakes. Tieflings in general like honesty, and this can especially be seen within Latent Tieflings, most of whom have been lied to all too much in their lives.

Major organizations

The Riders have historically been started by Latent Tieflings and their true Tiefling descendants alike, said to have marched out of Wysteria during a Perfect Dawn and settled in the beautiful, mostly untouched wilderness of jagged peaks and dense forests lived in only by closed-off elven societies and other fantastical races never before heard of. Those first Riders then settled and grew, creating sprawling settlements among the coastal regions of northern Central Caomh, and marched back on the Red Raid Ride to rescue their brethren, earning their name.
Parent ethnicities
Related Organizations
Languages spoken
Related Locations

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Oct 8, 2020 03:38

Love them. very romantic. wren doesnt agree. but its fine