Temporis The Finite Realm

Year 348 of the Cerinthian Era (1357 A.G.D)

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The world of Temporis, also known as the material plane, hosts many peoples, creatures, locales, and secrets, most of which are unexplored. At the heart of this world lies the mostly civilized continent of Temura, though it is not short of its own secrets and wonders. It is here that much of Temporis' rich history is recorded and many adventures take place. While there is a world beyond Temura, much of this guide will focus the continent itself. The inhabitants of Temura have achieved relative peace after eons of war. In the current enlightenment era, many advancements have been made both through the study of the physical and the arcane, though those in rural areas still live very simple lives. The Cerinthian Empire rules most of the eastern coast, and their influence if felt throughout the continent. While there are many unique cultures outside of New Cerinthia, much of the known world has adopted their systems and histories, if only for convenience's sake.