There are 14 primary deities known to the inhabitants of Temura. The Eternal Children or Caelestai were said to be foundational in the creation and shaping of the material plane, as well as the first to bring mortals to Temura. Certain gods are credited with the creation of certain races and creatures and often are treated as the patrons of their cultures. The elves have been the historical worshippers of these deities, and remain so. However, many other peoples have adopted this pantheon, making it the most widely recognized in the continent. The Cerinthian Empire has taken to calling them The Divine Seven. Meanwhile, the mad goddess Mim is believed to have birthed six gods known as the Consceleratai or The Corrupted, who have also enacted their will upon the material world. The number of gods is few, and many have elevated lesser beings to their sides as mates, thus with each new generation, their power diminishess. Most of the old gods have entrusted aspects of their domain to their children, so while Viridem is said to have first forged dwarves with stone from the roots of the mountains, his children inhabit the smaller roles as gods of mining and quarrying. Finally, demigods are the children of lesser gods. Many of these live in other planes, but sometimes a demigod might find their way to the material plane. Demigods seldom have domains of their own, their bloodline considered too thin to truly harness the power of godhood. Instead they are mostly content to live in the paradises of the upper planes, though others seek to rule those with less strength than their own.