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Arch Devils

The Seven Most Powerful Devils of the Abyssal Hells. Most were involved in the first Godly War and were formerly Celestials in the service of Gods. Fury is an exception to this, having gained her position as Arch Devil following her marriage to Asmodeus, the self-declared leader of the Arch-Devils and King of The Hells.   The seven Arch-Devils are each associated with a Deadly Sin.   Asmodeus, the Arch-Devil Of Lust, So Called King of The Hells and Prince of Lies is the leader, having previously attempted a Revolution against the Gods, particularly Matter.    Baelzibub, The Arch-Devil of Sloth, formerly Gluttony, he takes on the appearance of a typical Fallen Celestial and often used to be the one with the closest remaining ties to the Celestial Plane    Belphagor, The Arch-Devil of Gluttony, swapped with Baelzibub as both wanted to experience the other's lifestyle.   Fury, The Arch-Devil of Pride, Dragon Queen of Hell, former wife to Asmodeus. She is the replacement for the original Arch-Devil after he was slain in one of the many wars against the Celestial Plane.    Grat'zzbee, The Arch-Devil of Greed, runs his domain fiercely Capitalist. He is the older brother of Leviathan and makes sure to emphasise this as another way he's more powerful than the younger Devil.    Leviathan, The Arch-Devil of Envy, owns the second smallest amount of territory in the Hells and complains of this constantly. The others are not sympathetic.    Lucifren, The Arch-Devil of Wrath, sister to the original Arch-Devil of Pride Sataer. He has not forgiven Asmodeus for his failures in the original Revolution that got her sister killed. She was originally against Fury's inclusion in the seven, however these days the two are commonly found in alliances together against Asmodeus.     Asmodeus was originally the leader as he was the one to begin the revolution against the Gods and united the Fallen Celestials involved in the First Godly War. However, following the revolution's failing, most of the other Arch-Devils have lost faith in his leadership.


Each of the Arch-Devils rule their own territory within the Abyssal Hells. They do not own equal portions, and those controlling larger territories are considered more important and valuable than those with smaller territories.

Public Agenda

The current main goal of the Arch-Devils of the Abyssal Hells is to overthrow one another and eventually take the Hells as their own. Whichever succeeds will lead all of the Hells. Most Arch-Devils after they succeed in this goal claim to have their aims be to repeat the original rebellion, but successful this time.

Unite The Hells, Death to The Gods.

Alternative Names
The Seven Sinners. The Kings of Hell. Leaders of The Fallen Celestial Revolution.
Leader Title
Notable Members
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