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Wretched Oblation

The Wretched Oblation is a sacrificial person, chosen as a child, in the Town of Two.   They live secluded in a cave in the mountain the Town of Two is built upon.   In order to reduce the suffering in the rest of the world, the Town Of Two tortures the Wretched Oblation every day and keeps them in a perpetual state of suffering to fulfil the role previously taken by "He of The Many Burdens" until the day he Reawakens.   The Wretched Oblation is taught from the day they are chosen by their predecessor about the lore and religious texts of The Town Of Two. When that Wretched Oblation dies, typically because of the torture they have endured, their successor takes their place.


Suffer for the sake of the rest of the town. Learn and be a source of knowledge for He of The Many Burden's Religious texts.


This role was instated after The Sleeping. This was done to replace the role of He Of The Many Burdens in The Town Of Two's culture.

Cultural Significance

This is vital to the Town Of Two's culture. Pais, who abandoned the role is considered a dangerous terrorist for doing so, as he is considered to have caused mass suffering and torment for the rest of the town. This is worsened by him taking Thistle, his intended successor with him.

Notable Holders

Siaisten: The first Wretched Oblation, chosen for the role as she was afflicted with a disease of the blood that caused her suffering. Pais: Abandoned the role in 2501, taking his intended successor, a young girl named Thistle, with him.
Religious, Clerical
Still In Effect
Form of Address
Wretched Obulation
Length of Term
First Holder
Past Holders


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