This culture of Queendom of Boudigia is proud of its gardens, piers and its arts that rival that of even the most artistically inclined high elf. The Eadwigian culture tends to place itself more highly than any other culture in the world, and it is for this reason that many despise the Eadwigian pride. They are also a culture of fanatics and pious individuals obsessed with the purity of its people.
Naming Traditions
Feminine names
David, Frank, George, Robert
Masculine names
Dorothy, Elizabeth, Gertrude, Susan
Unisex names
Family names
Eadwig, Jones, Smith, Williams
Beauty Ideals
Pale skin and fair complexion
Gender Ideals
Beautiful woman with pale skin and no blemishes, and men with gentlemanly manners and outfits.
Courtship Ideals
Men put forth their seductive and witty mannerisms to court a woman, but it is ultimately up to a woman to accept the plead.