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Fidem (Fih-dem)

Fidem is the center of the church's power and farthest area from the Woods of Night and the creatures of darkness from the other side of the woods. It is the heart of the DeuSolis government and church.

The capital of Fidem is called Joan'Stella
The ruler of Fidem is Queen Victoria, she rules from Joan'Stella.
Language: Stellan
It is a primarily middle class city, but it fluctuates depending on where you are at due to the size of the city.
It is a well fortified city with a well established, strong military that is focused primarily on the defense of Joan'Stella.
Main Trade: general goods/necessities (cotton, clay, grain), livestock, Glass/Glasswork, Horses
The focus of Joan'Stella is Faith, Unity, and Justice

There is another city called Scientia that is all about science and technological advancements.
Queen Victoria still rules over Scientia, but it is governed by Governor Remus Cogsteam
Language: Stellan
It is a primarily middle to upper but the people of Scientia are not as concerned with status. Status in Scientia is based on invention, not wealth.
Reliant on Joan’Stella for any militaristic needs, but they are experimenting with autonomous warriors.
Main Trade: SCIENCE! Mostly made up of contracts or orders from other places in need of their inventions or innovations.
The focus of Scientia is Knowledge, Innovation, and Progress

There are 2 swamps in Fidem called
  • The Dark Mire
  • The Morass of Blythegus

The church has a tower there called Embermere Tower.
As a city that is governed by the Queen and Church, they abide by the tenants listed in the Book of Joan. Dei Ductu


Laws for Church Governed Provinces:
  • Do not murder: Punishment varies from 5 years in prison to death sentence.
  • Do not lie to your sovereign: Punishment varies from 1 year in prison to banishment from the sovereign's province
Laws for Fidem:
  • No Public Indecency: Punishment varies from a fine of 200 gp to 2 years in prison.
  • Do not assault officers of the law or members of the military: Punishment varies from a fine of 200 gp to 10 years in prison.
  • Do not commit heresy: Punishment varies and can be 5 years in prison, Banishment, or Death Sentence
Included Organizations
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