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Kragen, the Sire of Cruelty

A Dark Prince

Kragen is one of The Crimson Moon King's Dark Princes. He is a royal vampire and member of the Dark 10 with a penchant for being exceedingly cruel. "The world did not know what true cruelty was until I showed it to them." - Kragen  

Master of Torture

There is a serum that slows time. It is often used for advancing reflexes or prolonging moments. Kragen uses it to make a minute of torture feel like hours. Rarely does one leave Kragen alive, and those that do are rarely sane.  

The Great insanity

"On the day that is black as darkest night, the voices of my unwitting participants in my grand show all cried out as one. A thousand wails echoed throughout the land, experiencing new and never before dreams of agonies. The sounds of bones splitting, flesh being peeled away, the final bubbling of the drowned in boiling water.... ahhhhh and so... much... more... and for those not part of my show that could hear its wonderful sounds, for miles and miles it drove them to madness. Oh what people will do to avoid a fate such as that. They killed their loved ones and burned their homes with all inside. I believe the humans call it The Great Insanity. I call it my Magnum Opus"


Kragen, the Sire of Cruelty


Towards Captain Calder Locke


Captain Calder Locke

Attacker, Thief (according to Kragen)

Towards Kragen, the Sire of Cruelty



Captain Calder Locke raided Kragen's den in the Sanguine Chasm. Locke was not expecting a Vampire of the Dark 10, but the chance to bring one down was an exciting concept. When Locke found Jaya, he was enraged with Kragen and those that saw the fight say that they never saw Locke fight so fiercely. The fight was intense and a sight to behold. Kragen was not vanquished, but he was seriously injured from the clash with the Captain. Kragen hates Locke for stealing his child and Locke hates Kragen for the trauma that he brought to Jaya.



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