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The Church

The Church of God spreads the teaching of the Book of Joan and follows the example that Joan and her Knights provided. The church has a bishop that works with each order to better help the world of DeuSolis in the fight of Good and Evil. The priests of the church are dedicated to spread the word of God and Joan across the land and bring light to those in need. The Archbishops act as judges in many legal issues in provinces that are church governed and under the rule of Queen Victoria.


The Pope
  • The Cardinal College votes on the Pope. Candidates are annointed by peers. The vote is won by majority.
  • The Pope holds the same amount of power as the Queen herself.
  • The Pope is the final authority when it comes to spiritual matters.
The Cardinals
  • 12 Cardinals make up the Cardinal College.
  • There are 2 Cardinals that come from each of the Church Governed provinces.
  • To become a Cardinal, one must prove their life dedicated to living according to the Tenants outlined in the Book of Joan
  • The Archbishops choose the Cardinals. When one dies, a new one is chosen.
  • The Cardinals are there as advisors to the pope.
  • The Cardinals are the final authority when it comes to church structure.
The Archbishops
  • There is 1 Archbishop stationed each of the Church Governed Provinces.
  • The Archbishops tell the Bishops where the orders are needed most.
  • Archbishops choose the cardinals that come from the city where they are stationed.
  • Archbishops can choose Bishops.
  • Archbishops are often looked to when there is a need for a judge in areas where they are stationed.
  • There are 1 for each of the orders.
  • They often have holy gifts.
  • They can perform holy sacrament.
  • They are experts in Law and Theology.
  • They tell the orders where the church thinks evil is amassing.
  • Leaders of churches.
  • There is a Priest stationed at each of the Watch Towers around DeuSolis to keep them consecrated.
  • They can bless holy water.
  • They can officiate weddings, hold funerals, take confession, and anoint the sick.
Circuit Clergy
  • They are the same as Priests, except they do not have their own place where they serve.
  • Priests in training.


Joan and her five Knights started the 3 Orders, the Silver Cross, The Burning Halo, and the Dark Sanctuary. These are the fighting forces of the church, tasked with fighting the evil across the land.

Tenets of Faith

The Tenets of Faith come from The Book Of Joan:
Dei Ductu
Chapter 1
  1. Thou shalt not corrupt that which has been consecrated and honor the Oath of Sanctuary.
  2. Fight for the light, for that is where God is found. Keep thine hearts free from the vile sorceries of Abbadon. Honor the Oath of Passion.
  3. Do not take a life with malicious intention in thine hearts.
  4. Open thine hearts and minds. Embrace the inspiration inside of thee. For that is how life continues to change and grow.
  5. Do not seek out the Infinite, for the finite is where one finds growth and beauty.
  6. When thine loyalty is divided is when the corruption of Abbadon can overcome thine devotion. Help those in need and Honor the Oath of Unity.

The Oath of Sanctuary is thus: I vow to provide refuge for those in need. The role of judge is not mine to claim. For as long as there is no aggression in thine heart or intent, I shall defend thee and you will have a place to rest.

The Oath of Passion is thus: I vow to burn for that which fuels my passion. I will not permit others to diminish my light. For as long as God’s light shines within me, I will be a beacon unto others.

The Oath of Unity is thus: I vow to work with the children of God to fight back the darkness. Together, our Faith can withstand the night. For as long as our devotion stands, so too shall we all.

Granted Divine Powers

A soul can choose to leave Heaven to be reborn as a human again.
When they do this, they have to face the trials of life and earn their way to Heaven all over again.
There are legends that say when a soul does this, and they leave heaven with a mission in mind, they are granted boons in order to aid them in their mission. It is believed that they are blessed by God herself and destined for greatness.
These individuals are referred to as living saints.
Joan is the first known living saint. 
They are not unbeatable, but blessed. 
There is a tale of warning where a living saint fell and was turned into a vampire.
Church Provinces:
  • Fidem
  • Kuldar
  • Urkhons
  • Lagosi
  • JinJaru
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