Andrew Moore

Sir Andrew Moore is the son of Arthur Moore and Sarra of Goodwater. He is a paladin of the Brimirist church.  

Appearance and Character

Andrew is a mirror of his father. He is tall and well built, with light brown hair. He has a goatee with a curled moustache. Andrew years the silver armour of the paladins, inlayed with bronze with a blue cape. When not in his armour he wears blue and bronze clothing with leather gloves. For weapons he carries a longsword and a dagger on his belt. He rides a great pale mare which, for armour it wears bronze barding and the saddle is inlayed with sapphires. The greathelm that he uses in tourneys has the star of the faith in the center, surrounded by two pegasus.    Andrew has a serious and unwavering belief in the Brimirist church. He follows and enforces their rules with great fervor. He is seen as judgemental and critical of those who do not follow the laws of the faith. He shunned his sister, Elyn Moore for bringing a bastard into their family, in response his father struck him on the head, which left his left eye swollen for weeks. He admires his brother's efforts against slavery, but believes that he is too close and trusting of the tieflings.  


  Andrew was born the firstborn son of Ser Arthur Moore and Sarra Moore. When he was born he was baptised in the healing waters of Godspool.   When the boy turned eight, his mother, suggested to Arthur that Andrew should be sent to the Blessed Isle to be tutored by the Brimirist church. Arthur agreed, but Andrew was to come back to Godspool for three out of the twelve months.


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