Dairin of Blackhold

Ser Dairin of Blackhold, known as Dairin Whitefeather, is the Lord Commander of the kingsguard for Quellion III Ottez. He is the grandson of Lord Draven of Blackhold.  

Appearance and Character

  Dairin is tall and lean with broad shoulders. He is muscular, and extremely strong. He has pale skin, and long black hair with white strands which inspired his name Whitefeather. He wears a suit of armour made out of Blackiron inlayed with silver. His blackiron helmet is a barbute with beautiful silver engravings. He does not wear the white armour of the Kingsguard, but he wears the white cloak over his armour. He wields a blackiron -sword that he can wield with one hand. He also carries an enchanted crossbow and a shortsword. He still moves incredibly quickly despite his armour and is well known for his skill at arms.   Dairin is steadfast and dutiful. He holds his honour and position in high regard. He rarely sleeps, always standing at his king's side, infront of his bedroom door, or even watching over the king in his chambers. He is diligent and works restlessly to make sure that no harm would come to the royal family. Despite the disastrous reign of King Viell I, the people of Alumyth knew peace while Dairin was the captain of the city guard. He is well liked and respected in the capital. He is capable and is always looking for a chance to prove himself.  


Dairin Whitefeather
Dark Brown
Black and White
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