David I of Nordheim

King David Torsson of Nordheim, the First of His Name

King David I of Nordheim, called David the Heartless, was the King of Nordheim from 802 to 823. He was the bastard son of King Tor II Frostborne. David usurped the kingdom from the ruling Frostbornes, ending their 800 year long reign. For a queen he took Solfrid Frostborne after his rebellion. He had three trueborn sons, David, Knut and Sindri. Sindri died shortly after being born. He has one claimed baseborn child, Einar Snowling.  

Appearance and Character

David was a monstrous man. He got his height from his father Tor , though he was never as tall as his wife or two eldest sons, but was a powerful and strong figure. He was one of the only men in recent history to wield Ivar's Blade comfortably. He had long dark hair and a thick beard. He had a permanent scowl on his face, and he only had one ear.   David wasn't a very bitter man, stead solemn and emotionless. He often brooded around court, not taking in the pleasantries of feasts. The only place he felt any sort of joy was on the battlefield, which was a common place during his reign. He showed no remorse to anyone, especially his Frostborne enemies, where he killed all members he could find, besides his wife Solfrid for who he married to bind the realm under his blood as is the old way.   David's moniker, the Heartless, is not just a reference to his personality, but is believed to have a literal sense as well. When David challenged his half brother, Ryford I Frostborne, for the kingdom of Nordheim, Ryford, the experienced swordsman, stabbed him through his heart. But three days later, he returned and demanded another duel. After his revival he had far greater strength than he had before, and rumours began about a possible deal with the devil being the reason for his reappearance.


David I of Nordheim


Towards Solfrid Frostborne

Solfrid Frostborne


Towards David I of Nordheim

802 AGW - 823 AGW

David the Heartless
The Demon of Nordheim
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Nordheim
Lord of Midhost
782 AGW 823 AGW 41 years old


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