Erik Eriksson

Ser Erik Frodyng, or Erik Eriksson, is the secondborn child of Erik Frodyng. He has a bastard daughter, Layla . He is often called Ser Prince by his father, because of his boisterous nature and his charm.  

Appearance and Character

  Erik is a tall strapping man. He has dark brown eyes, his short brown hair has soft curls. His face is clean shaven with an easy smile showing his straight white teeth. He has a pleasant voice, and is a talented singer. Erik says he can sing from the bawdiest shantys to the saddest melodies. Erik usually wears a fur cloak with a dull grey breastplate overtop his leather jerkin. Without his armour he dresses in silk, and wears a fine cape.   Erik rides a great white stallion with a golden saddle and barding, with a headpiece shaped to look like a unicorn's horn. For heavy armour, Erik wears plain steel plate armour, with a helemet that wears a face, bearded and with golden teeth. He also wears a white fur cloak. For tourneys he uses snow white wood lances, and his shield has a blue crown within a golden sun.   Erik is a cheerful and easygoing man, though some say he is as cruel as his father, but not as dour. He likes singing, drinking, dancing, and playing games. He plays music with his brother, Leif. He enjoys participating in tourneys, and has found limited success and some fame. He is also a skilled fighter, proficient in both axes and swords.
Erik Frodyng
Ser Prince
Dark Brown
Personal Arms
A Blue Crown inside a Golden Sun on Blue


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