Hadwynn of Blackhold

Ser Hadwynn of Blackhold is the eldest and only remaining son of Lord Draven of Blackhold and Rosha Juden. He fought at the Burning Fields on The Day of Red Grass where most of his family perished. He abdicated his place as heir as he can no longer produce any offspring, leaving his remaining son Erryk as the heir to Blackhold.  

Appearance and Character

  Hadwynn was regarded as handsome in his youth. He had dark skin and black hair with golden eyes. . He was muscular and was regarded as a fine swordsman and an honourable knight.   After the Burning Fields, Hadwynn was left scarred and deformed. His two legs would be burnt horribly by the wildfire and would heal twisted during his captivity. When he returned home, their clerics did what they could, but they were not able to bring back the full strength of his legs. Hadwynn now is confined to a wheelchair or occasionally he walks with a cane.   Despite his injuries, Hadwynn is still quite spry and cheerful. As he cannot fight any longer, he has dedicated his life to studies, specifically in magic and the higher mysteries.


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