The Day of Red Grass

The Day of Red Grass was the battle that ultimately determined the outcome of The Three Days War. It was fought between the Royal Forces of Majik and Careem's forces with Lord Frode the Stranger in the once Golden Fields of House Goldgrain. It ended in a victory for Careem.  


  After the Destruction of Merryhall Careem brought his forces northwards. He ordered his brother Thrain to take a small group of two-hundred soldiers and begin burning the Golden Fields and raid the city of Sunharvest.   King Viell I realized at that point that Careem was a legitimate threat to the realm. He ordered Aerentis to take the bulk of the Royal Army and meet Careem's forces at the Golden Fields. At the same time Ser Merrick Cayn and Lord Draven of Blackhold were planning on attacking Careem's forces from the back and crushing them. Though, when Merrick heard of Thrain's attack on Sunharvest he took his number of men and diverted from Lord Draven's forces.   Careem became aware of Lord Draven's plan to attack them from the rear. He then told Lord Frode to wait for Draven's forces to approach before joining the battle. Careem and his brother Thrain  planned to enclose the battlefield in wildfire.  


  There were two battles fought that day, the Battle of Red Grass, and the Slaughter of Sunharvest, though they are generally grouped into one. The forces of Merrick Cayn met Thrain's forces at Sunharvest. At that point the city had already fallen, the citizens were fleeing from the burning ruins, and the few remaining members of House Goldgrain were slaughtered along with Merrick Cayn's family. Thrain's forces were mainly attempting to flee with their stolen riches. A brief battle ensued, Merrick himself cut down Thrain Stormsword, along with twelve other men. The rest of Thrain's men were slaughtered. Before Merrick could return to the rest of the Royal Forces, he was made aware of the outcome of the Battle of Red Grass, he quickly made his way to the Goldgrass in hope to find any survivors.   Aerentis and Careem would meet at the Goldgrass Fields. The Northmen would number just under one thousand, the forces of Majik over three. They briefly discussed the oncoming battle, Careem stated that Aerentis should let him go to so he could avenge the deaths of Quellion and his own family, though if Aerentis still sided with the king, Careem would kill him, just as he would the Prince. Aerentis began speaking of all the uprisings he has broken and foes of Majik he has slain, then simply said "They won't remember you." Careem responded saying, "Surely you won't, when I put my hammer through your skull."   Aerentis rode back to his soldiers to prepare them for the battle. When the army came to the battlegrounds, the Goldgrass was swallowed by a sickly green flame. The entire battlefield had been boxed in by walls of wildfire. The Nords just stood their ground, not making any movements. Survivors of the battle describe the Nords to have been in the middle of some ritual. They were surrounded by green flame and sacrificed horses and were chanting some heathen prayer. As the Nords had no cavalry and were outnumbered, Aerentis called his riding knights to charge. Though as the knights met the Nords, each of the horses flung their riders. After then, the Nords attacked the falling knights and began pushing up. Aerentis then led the rest of his soldiers in attempt to halt the approaching Nords. The two armies would meet and the field would break out into a frenzy. Lord Draven would arrive but would not be able to get through the wildfire, he attempted to go around but was ambushed by Lord Frode. Most of Draven's forces were pushed into the walls of wildfire, and the rest were slaughtered by Frode's forces.   As the soldiers of Majik were being cutdown by the Nords, many had begun to flee. To muster bravery and bring back some morale, Aerentis led another charge into the heart of the Nords. They managed to break through the shield wall and Aerentis attempted to kill Careem whilst on horseback. Careem managed to swing his hammer into the skull of Aerentis' horse causing him to fall and severely injure his leg, though he managed to disappear through the confusion of the battle. Without their leader the soldiers of Majik retreated.   When Merrick arrived at the battlefield the army was in disarray. He managed to gather most of the forces and rescue the injured Aerentis and lead them back to the capital. Lord Draven was captured by Lord Frode, five of his seven children and his wife died in the battle. Knights of House Moore, Peake, Cayn, and Delmy would fall during the battle. Bjorn Frodesson would be killed by his brother, Erik Frodesson.  


  The battle was hard fought, and many of Careem's soldiers were injured from the battle. When Careem heard of Thrain's death at the hands of Merrick Cayn he was filled with rage. He rode of abandoning the rest of his army in search for Merrick. It is rumoured that Careem caught up to Merrick, who allowed his soldiers to continue to flee while he fought Careem in a duel. Though as both men are still alive today it is doubt that such a fight took place. Careem then waited outside of the gates of Alumyth, calling for the names of Merrick, Viell, and Aerentis, until the rest of his men caught up with him. When Bjorn heard of his brother's death, he left the settlement of Merryhall and regrouped with Careem. They then devised a plan to get into the city of Alumyth.
The Three Days War
2nd Day of the 12th Moon, 467 AGW
Nordic Victory


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