Magren Whyne

Ser Magren Whyne, called The Giant of Whyne, is the son of Larra Whyne and an unknown paramour. He was adopted by Lucion Whyne. He has a halfling lover named Sweetflower. He serves in the court of his uncle, as a bodyguard.  

Appearance and Character

Magren is absurdly tall, standing well above seven feet. He has massive shoulders, thick arms, heavy fists, and legs that look like tree trunks. Because of his size he is inhumanely strong. He rarely speaks, but when he does he emitts a loud booming voice that quiets everyone around him. He has a messy mop of tangled brown hair and a large thick bushy beard. His body is marked with various scars.   He wears heavy gilded grey steel plate, with a greathelm with two narrow slits. Under his armour he wears chainmail and boiled leather. Because of Magren's strength he is able to wields a six foot greatsword with one hand, aswell as a thick shield with a red dove painted on it. He rides an extremely large, ill-tempered, grey stallion, that will not let anyone but him and Sweetflower near.   Magren was practically trained to be a soldier at birth by his uncle, Lucion. He is not known to be intelligent, but he has excellent warrior instincts. He seems to enter a blind rage while he fights on the battlefield or the tourneyground. Despite many fearing Magren because of his size and reputation, Sweetflower believes Magren to be a sweet and kind soul, who despises violence. When Magren is with his lover, he can be emotional and weepy, but in the prescence of his uncle Magren is as stone faced as a statue.
The Giant of Whyne


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