Lucion Whyne

Lord Lucion Whyne is the head of House Whyne of Redwood. Lucion and his late wife Florys have had thirteen children together. He is one of the more powerful and influenetial lords in the kingdom. He is the vassal of Lady Alyn Moore and is her most powerful bannerman.

Appearance and Character

  Lucion is middle aged for a half elf. Having blond hair streaked with white, slightly wrinkled skin. Despite his age he has remained strong of body and mind. He is powerfully built and is quite tall with pointed ears. He has a sharp jawline, broad shoulders, and warm laughing amber eyes that can shine like gold in sunlight. He wears finely made fur coats and leather jackets. He carries the ancestal sword, Redbeak. He owns three horses, a large white charger with a golden saddle which he usually rides, a grey palfrey for long travel, and a brown race horse.   Lucion enjoys relaxation and the finer things in life. He frequents the healing waters of Godspool, travelling there once every fortnight. He often drinks wine, being his own or Dragonfire Spiced Wine. He carries a gilded cherrywood pipe, which he smokes hemp out of. He is constantly accompanied by a band of bards and singers that play soft music. He is also followed by several armoured bodyguards, and a pack of snow white mastiffs. When Lord Whyne leaves his keep, the party that follows him is described as a wonderful circus of splendor, lights, and wealth.   Lucion is well known and well liked across Majik. He is amiable and generous, always lending a helping hand, making him popular in the eyes of lords and smallfolk alike. He can often be found at feasts and festivals. Though he can be lighthearted, Lucion is a serious and calculative businessman. Every move he makes is always to put his family or himself in a higher place. Lucion is known to be cunning and extremely clever. He is loyal and extremely caring and protective of his family, when they are in danger he will stop at no ends until that danger is destroyed.   Though he rarely fights, Lucion is an extremely skilled swordsman with the ancestral blade Redbeak. He has snow white armour made out of moonblessed silversteel with a large greathelm that he uses for battle and jousts. With his armour, he wears a long billowing blood red cape. His lance is made out of cherrywood and has a shining golden handle. He also uses a cherrywood longbow.  


Early Life

  Lucion Whyne was born in the year 400 AGW to Lady Helwynn Whyne and Luke Whyne. His brother, Triston Whyne, would be born in 403 and his sister, Larra, in 405.   Lucion would fight in the final of the Pirate Wars, against the pirate lord Blackteeth. He would meet the young Frode there and would begin their friendship. Frode would offer his sister to Lucion for marriage, but Lucion politely refused. Lucion would then travel Majik, training his sword and mind, with frequent visits to the Royal University.   His mother would be poisoned at a feast celebrating the union between her and Luke in 425 AGW.. It is believed to have been done by House Redwood. Lucion attempted to raise an army to invade the Redwood, but he was stopped by his father, who told him of the patience proper revenge takes. His father would arrange the marriage between him and Florys Darry, so that he would be permitted to use the River Darry for trade. They had their first child, Olenna Whyne in 430 AGW.   Lucion's sister would become pregnant with the child of an unknown lover. Luke attempted to kill the baby with Moon Tea, but Larra remained pregnant. She would die giving birth to Magren Whyne. With no parents, Lucion adopted the boy.  

War for the Redwood

  In 459 Lucion's father was old and aged. Lucion travelled back home and said his goodbyes to his father. Only Lucion was permitted to see Luke in his final moments, not even a cleric was allowed to perform his last rites. After his father's death, Lucion would pledge fealty to Lady Alyn Moore and recieve her support in the war for the Redwood. Lucion would attack the Redwood in the dead of night. His forces amassed at two thousand, and they cut and burnt their way to Redcastle. It is said in songs that Redcastle was filled with laughter and cheers as they celebrated the death of Luke the Fox, but was quickly replaced by screams of terror when his son came for revenge. Lucion spared only the women and children. He forced Elora Redwood to surrender her family's castle and relinquish the title to his brother, Triston Whyne. The remaining Redwoods were forced to flee, while House Whyne claimd dominion over the Redwood.  

Three Days War

  Lucion sided with the crown in The Three Days War, going against Lord Frode. Lucion did not originally fight in the war itself. One of his sons died in The Day of Red Grass, and two others were taken captive. Because Lord Frode knew Lucion, he spared his sons from torture. After The Day of Red Stone, Lucion himself broke the siege of the Rune, where after a brief discussion with the Lord Frode, he gave Lucion his sons back, and retreated leaving the Rune to Lucion. The Rune itself could not have been taken by siege, but it's lords House Rose, had perished within the walls of disease and hunger leaving only Lorna Rose alive. Lucion quickly wed his son, Emerick to Lorna, absorbing the Rune into his domain. Lucion's wife died a few months after the Three Days War.  

Recent History

  Lucion built a series of roads that connecting his own Castle Whyne to Bronzegate and Godspool. The roads allowed trade to pass through the lands of the Goodwater much easier. The roads were formally named the Bronzeway, but people have taken to calling them the Whyneroads.   Lucion has brought much wealth to House Moore and himself due to his expansions and shrewd governance. He was considered for the position of Master of Coin but was denied by Aerentis who continued to control the entire council directly.   He has not since remarried but has made offers to Orilana Færsath, even helping her in their war in hopes to gain their favour.


Lucion Whyne


Towards Florys Whyne

Florys Whyne


Towards Lucion Whyne

Florys Whyne (spouse)
Greying blond


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