Orilana's War for the Mountains

Orilana's War for the Mountains, also known as The Silent War, was a conflict fought between members of House Færsath for the control of the Færsath Mountains. The war lasted around 17 years, though some consider it to be ongoing as one of the claimants is still alive, but hidden. As most of the battles took place within the mountains, many people of Majik did not know if it's existence.  


  After Arwell Færsath's death, his brother Eydreil Færsath, assumed control of the Færsath Mountains. He attempted to make his neice, Lyanna Færsath, into one of his concubines. This revolted Lyanna, and she fled the Hidden City. During her travels she would meet Myrin Darklyn and the two would get married and have three children, Orilana, Galwynn, and Lorainne.
455 AGW - 472 AGW

Victory for Orilana Færsath


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