Orilana Færsath

Duchess Orilana Færsath, known as the Red Duchess, is the head of House Færsath of the Færsath Mountains. She slew her granduncle, Eydreil Færsath, and usurped his title and control over the Færsath Mountains.

Appearance and Character

  Orilana is described looking more human than elf, being shorter and having smaller ears than most elves. She has long brown hair and green eyes and has a scar that goes from her neck up to her right brow. For jewlery she wears a simple thin steel circlet on her head. Orilana is slim, but strong. Her body is marked with many scars. She is very quick in combat.   Orilana is often seen in armour or chainmail instead of regular dress. When not in armour, Orilana wears fine velvet jackets, leather pants, silk shirts and dresses, and wool cloaks and gowns. For armour she wears a simple steel breastplate, gauntlets, and shinguards over chainmail and a red cloak, and a winged helm. For ceremonial armour she has ornate and gilded steel armour infused with blackiron along with a winged greathelm. For weapons she uses a steel longsword and shield, or a blackiron warhammer.   Orilana is cynical and hardheaded. She does not believe in the Gods, only her own judgement. She has little time for schemes or the politics of the realm. Orilana tackles problems head on and she does not trust easily. She is a proven commander and warrior, though does not care for chivalry or honour. Her way of governance is stern and unforgiving. She is known as the Red Duchess for her bloody ascension and her relentless justice. She is an admirer of Elenwynn the Great.


Early Life

  Orilana was born in the year 436 AGW at the temple of Mercyhall in the Soylrun. She travelled with her parents through the Soylrun, staying in the towns and castles of the eastern Houses. She played and learned with other noble children, making childhood friends. At the age of seven she would start training in arms at Ironhall and Shieldridge.   When her mother was pregnant with Galwynn Færsath in 443, The Majiki Tiefling Uprising broke out. By the time Goldrock and the castle of God's Hand fell at the hand's of Heirax the Firehand, Aerentis had begun to raise the forces of the Soylrun. His own host, along with House Bowe, would sail around Majik and attempt to capture Caius Vein before he could regroup with Heirax, while House Grove and House Waller would fortify Shieldridge. Myrin sent Lyanna and Orilana to Fairhall of House Bowe where they would be protected. Myrin himself went to Shieldridge. After Shieldridge fell into the hands of Caius Vein, Lady Betha Bowe arranged a boat to carry herself, her family, aswell as Lyanna and Orilana, to the capital city of Alumyth. Galwynn was born on the voyage. Myrin was captured but freed himself and many other prisoners during the Second Battle of Shieldridge. Afterwards, he was celebrated as a hero, much to the ire of the Duke Eydriel, who in turn was named a coward for his lack of action in the war.   When the war was over Myrin and his family regrouped in Alumyth. They would spend the rest of their time travelling the rest of Majik. Orilana spent brief time at the Royal Academy and was trained in arms. In 446 Lyanna was pregnant with their third child, and Myrin's family, House Darklyn, would host a celebration for Myrin in Shadowmarket, celebrating the three year anniversary of his valor in the Second Battle of Shieldridge. During the festival, Duke Eydriel would send his bastard son Qorwyll to retrieve Lyanna and her family. Qorwyll would attack Shadowmarket, only sparing members of noble birth. He would kidnap Lyanna, Myrin, and her children. Lyanna, Orilana, and Galwynn would be taken to Eydriel in the Hidden City, but Myrin would never be seen again. Lorainne Færsath would be born shortly after. Lyanna was imprisoned, and her children would be cared for at court, as a sign for his good grace.   Orilana would spend thirteen years in the Hidden City, living in fear and hatred of her granduncle and cousins. She befriended the master-at-arms, Ser Aerendell and would view him as a father figure. She would protect her siblings from her cousins, specifically Qorwyll, who many would call Qorwyll the Cruel. At the age of seventeen Orilana planned to murder her granduncle. Unfortunately for Orilana, she would be caught by Qorwyll. Her brother, Galwynn and Aerendell were also outed as culprits. Eydriel did not care to punish Orilana, leaving it in the hands of his son. Qorwyll then removed Oriilana's mother out of the dungeon. He told Lyanna and Orilana that only one of them will live. Lyanna pleaded to Qorwyll to take her life and spare her daughter, but Qorwyll told her. "I would not kill you. I would not dare kill a member of my own blood." He put a sword in between them and ordered them to kill one another. Lyanna begged Orilana to kill her, but she refused. Lyanna then took the sword and attacked Qorwyll, slicing out one of his eyes. When the guards rushed her she saw no other option and put the sword through her own stomach. Orilana was taken screaming and crying down to the dungeon.   Qorwyll would spend two years torturing Orilana, physically and mentally. He would often bring down the skull of her mother, or the hand of Aerendell to show her. He would also bring her two brothers, Galwynn and Lorainne, and show them to Orilana, constantly reminding her that they were under his protection now. Somehow Orilana managed to send a message to her brothers, and over her imprisonment they would begin to build up support within the Hidden City against Eydriel.   On the eve of the 6th Moon, the two brothers gained the support of majority of the city and castle guards, aswell as many knights and nobleman. They relayed this information to their sister. And in the night, Orilana managed to kill Qorwyll in her cell. Some stories say that she strangled him with her manacles, others say she sliced out his other eye and waited for him to bleed out while he was blind, or that she ripped out a chunk of his neck with her teeth. She clothed herself only in a scarlet cape, took Qorwyll's blackiron sword, and made her way freeing Aerendell and other prisoners that pledged their loyalty. Her forces made their way through the castle, butchering all those still loyal to Eydriel. Orilana made her way up to the Duke's chambers, and while he slept in his bed with one of his concubines, she slit his throat with his son's sword. Some of Eydriel's children escaped, many died fighting or were murdered in the castle, and two surrendered. Orilana executed the remaining children of Eydriel and when the court priest named her a kinslayer she cut open his belly. She took her place as Duchess of the Færsath Mountains, only some nobles who were still loyal to Eydriel and his children would oppose her. Her bloody ascension and the war that followed would make the way for the Red Duchess to become a powerful and feared noble in Majik.  

The Red Duchess

The Red Duchess
Eydreil Færsath
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Duchess of the Færsath Mountains
Lady of the Hidden City
Lady of Hundred Swords 
Lady of Hundred Shields
Year of Birth
436 AGW 45 Years old
Parents (Adopting)


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