Richard Horpe

Ser Richard Horpe was a knight in service to House Ottez of Majik during the reign of Arthur Ottez. Along with is brother, he was the founder of House Horpe. He was the sworn shield and tutor to King Arthur's bastard son, Caius Vein. He died during the Storming of God's Hand during the Southern Uprising.  

Appearance and Character

  Richard was tall and sinewy. He was an half elf with short pointed ears. He had a long white beard.   Richard was well known across Majik for his profiency in warfare and combat. He never won any tourneys, but his acts during battles are legendary. He wielded a sword with his left hand.  


Richard and his brother were born to a wealthy elven merchant, they say his name Celwynn.   They came into the service of House Ottez -
227 AGW 399 AGW 172 years old


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