Caius Vein

Caius I Siguar, born Caius Vein, and known to history as The Demon Titan, was a major figure during the The Majiki Tiefling Uprising where he attempted to usurp the throne from his cousin, Quellion II Ottez. He was the bastard son of King Arthur Ottez. He eloped Aewynn Gaolyth and had two children.  

Appearance and Character

  Caius was an enormous figure, powerfully built and a foot taller than any man. His skin was a dark purple, he had short black hair and fiery green eyes flecked with yellow. He was heavily muscular, with massive broad shoulders with two thick black horns pretruding from his head. He was inhumanely strong, and very quick for his size. Caius was an excellent fighter, during his time being one of the greatest swords in Majik. He was an excellent combination of strength and skill.   Because of Caius' size and demonic appearance, many people looked down on him and believed him to be a barbarian. From the constant abuse, Caius in his youth was fiery, irritable, and sullen, but as he matured he became much more cordial, though he did not make friends easily. Despite many slandering his name and character in history, Caius is remembered as a chivalrous and honourable man. His wife and those close to him say he was a gentle soul. He enjoyed poetry and spending time in gardens. Caius never particularly enjoyed violence. Nearing the end of the war, after viewing all the destruction that his army had caused his mind became troubled and he struggled with bouts of anger and sadness.   For armour and weapons he wore heavy, thick plate armour. He wielded a heavy seven foot long greatsword that gave him massive reach on the battlefield. He rarely wore helmets, as his horns made it impossible for most to fit so for protection he would wear a red metal mask that covered his face.  


Early Life

  Caius was born in the Palace of the Sea by King Arthur Ottez and one of his many mistresses. News of his birth quickly spread around the island of Majik. Everyone spoke about the demon that had been born to House Ottez. King Arthur renounced his mistresses and requested the prescence of the High Priest of the Brimirist Faith to come to his palace and forgive him of his sins. He also asked the priest to bless the unholy child. Even though Caius was a babe of not even two weeks old, they performed an excorcism on him, surrounding him with holy artifacts, books, and incense to cleanse the body and soul of Caius.   Caius was raised in the palace, though he slept in the higher levels of the dungeon. He would serve as a whipping boy for his trueborn siblings. Despite his appearance, his father did seem to show him some kindness, though Arthur was seemingly or purposefully oblivious to the abuse Caius would suffer at the hands of his bannerman and nobles. In 394 When he was 13, he was already as tall and strong as most men. During a feast at the palace, the Lord Uthor Peake of Greatmarket, and his brother Ser Emerick assailed the young boy. When Uthor went to hit the boy, he grabbed and broke the lord's hand, and when Emerick went to aid his brother, Caius shattered the teeth of the knight. The lord demanded that Caius would have his own teeth and hands broken as punisment. Arthur allowed for Caius' right hand to be shattered, Arthur's Hand Aerentis did so with a hammer, his horns were also shaved down, his teeth were filed and his tail was cut off.


Caius Vein

Spouse (Vital)

Towards Aewynn Gaolyth


Aewynn Gaolyth

Spouse (Vital)

Towards Caius Vein



The Demon Bastard
The Demon of Ottez
The Demon Titan
The Black Diamond
Caius the Pretender
King of Majik (claimant)
381 AGW 443 AGW 62 years old
Aewynn Gaolyth (Spouse)

Personal Arms
A White Sun with a Black Diamond in the center on Black


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