
Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property to be bought and sold, and are forced to work. Though slavery is outlawed in the Human Kingdoms and Hes'Orkathal, it is prominent of the Eastern continents of Tennim.

The Human Kingdoms

  Slavery is abhorred and strictly forbidden by the people of the Human Kingdoms. In Ventos, it's nobles claim descent from slaves who broke free from the grasp of The Tyrant Emperor.   In Nordheim the inhabitants use Thralls, which are slaves in all but name. The practice of slavery is described as purchasing another person, but the Nords do not take part in the slave trade. They take their thralls through conquest and raiding.   -

The Land of the Gods

  On the Holy Grounds of the Brimirist Faith, they hold servants named Penitents. While also not being slaves in the literal sense, they have been compared to by cynics of the Church. Penitents are responsible for most of the labour within the churchlands, while also repenting for their sins.

Majik and the Diamond Isles

  The Diamond Isles are infamous for their use of slaves to exploit the natural resources of the mines. Tieflings and Sea Elves were very commonly used by the Governors and Kings of Majik. Slavery has now since been outlawed by the King Quellion III Ottez of Majik.   Slavery was brought over to the island of Majik by Aerentis the Ironhand when he suggested to the rulers of the Iceblade Empire to turn the islands into penal colonies.    Lord Quintaris of Haven is known to use a similar system like the Penitents of the church for his island of Parvus and the city Fole.

The East

The Grand Elven Empire

  The Grand Elven Empire is infamous for its caste-like societal structure. At the bottom being the slaves of the Empire. They are called dirt, not-people, dogs, and are seen only as property and animals.  


  The Broken Cities of M'Hai are infamous for the slave trade.

The South

Draconia (Hes'Orkathal)

  The High and Just Platinum Council of Hes'Orkathel has banned slavery from it's terrotories and continues to attempt to enforce the laws unto their Chromatic neighbours.

Draconia (Wer'Valing)

  The Chromatic Dominion, and the rogue dragons, are known to buy and sell slaves.


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