Aerentis the Ironhand

Aerentis the Ironhand is the Master of the Council, and Hand of the King for King Quellion III Ottez of Majik. Before the Ottez royal family ascended to the throne of Majik, he had governed the Island of Majik under the Iceblade Empire and the Holy Brimirist Church as a mining penal colony. After the Ottez had taken over the remainder of Majik he was given the task of "cleaning up" the eastern territories of the Soylrun. During this time he married the Lady Shaelyndra and had 10 children with her.  

Appearance and Character

  -   Aerentis is intelligent, calculating, and controlling. His judgment is seen to be stern and harsh, though fair. He is ruthless with betrayal. Aerentis is humourless, rarely smiling. His good friend High Priest Meyer was suprised that his late wife Shaelyndra was able to make him laugh on four seperate occasions. Aerentis is not widely trusted by most in Majik, many believe him to be self interested, and power hungry, constantly aiming to have either him or his family gain higher power within Majik. In court, he has a powerful presence along with an intimidating gaze. While not trusted, Aerentis is both respected and feared by many in Majik. Though ruthless, Aerentis is a capable and shrewd ruler, who brought prosperity to Majik during his time as Governor of the Island and Hand of the King.   Though most of his time is spent out of combat, Aerentis is known as a proficient swordsman. He is also a skilled and proven battle commander, who usually leads from the rear. For armour he wears gilded blackiron plate.   During the Day of Red Grass Aerentis was badly injured. His leg was healed by clerics, but continues to be a source of pain and discomfort for Aerentis. He walks with a cane made out of the Blackiron of his old gauntlet.  


Early Life

  Aerentis studied at the Citadel of the Ældars in his youth. It is rumoured that he was dropped off at their steps as a baby. During his time he earned four links of his chain, their metals being, Blackiron, Iron, Gold, and Primosi Steel.   After his time as an Acolyte of the Citadel he went to the Imperial Court of the Iceblade Empire. He was tutored by the Imperial Prince, Magnus Victor. He would rise to prominence in the Imperial Court, serving as Lord Confessor for two years. Aerentis would approach Magnus with the idea of transforming the Island of Majik, and the other Diamond Islands, into Penal Colonies, and bring over prisoners (and slaves) to work the mines of Majik. Magnus was able to convince the Emperor to rescind Bryndann I's law that banned the practice of slavery across the Empire and put forward Aerentis' plan. Aerentis was then made Lord Governor of the Island of Majik.  

Governance of Majik

  In the year 277 on the 13th Day of the 2nd Moon Aerentis was named Governor of Majik. He arrived in the city of Alumyth with an armed force of 2,000 soldiers to replace the already existing garrison of the city. He quickly went through the city, and in an effort to "clean the city" he closed the brothels and pleasure houses for two weeks, put any accused criminals to the sword, and shut down the loan sharking business of Alumyth and begun working on a new capital bank for the citizens. He cleared the Palace-by-the-Sea completely, as it was previously used by the Emperors as a pleasure resort. Aerentis then sat in the Great Hall for a week straight, allowing smallfolk and nobles alike to approach and address him with any problem's they have been met in the city. The court was again closed when a woman attempted to murder Aerentis with a crossbow. Aerentis also survived another assassination attempt a few days after, during a meeting with the Lord Mayor of Alumyth, Alldrick Peck, who attempted to poison him with wine. Alldrick was taken from his home and was never heard from again. Aerentis then called for all the Lords of the noble houses to travel to Alumyth to pledge themselves to him.   On the 3rd day of the 3rd Moon, the Houses Theven, Goldgrain, and Amakiir refused Aerentis' call and they all sent the ear of his messengers back to him. Aerentis organized his soldiers and marched them southwards towards the Houses of Goldgrain and Theven. He sent another letter to the Greater Houses, Ullhorn and Færsath, demanding them to organize their levies and march with him. Aerentis quickly moved to the city of Sunharvest, where he then burned the Goldgrain's own messenger alive outside of the city walls. The Lord Gavern Goldgrain, met with Aerentis, and after a short discussion where Aerentis threatened to "extinguish Gavern's bloodline" if he did not beg for forgiveness. Gavern returned to his castle, and waited for three days in hopes the other rebellious lords would come to his aid, but for every day he stalled Aerentis burnt his fields. Eventually, the Lord gave in. Aerentis took Lord Gavern's two grandsons as hostages for further promise of peace. Aerentis then marched southwards where he met the host of the Lord Allard Theven. A brief battle took place where Aerentis' forces crushed the men of House Theven. This led to the death of Allard's sons, leaving his youngest grandson, Willard, as his heir. Allard was badly injured and surrendered on the field of battle, he died on the way back to his castle. Aerentis sent a detachment of 600 led by Ser Rodrick Stone to stay at Goldtooth, the town of the Theven's, and make sure of their loyalty. This led to the creation of the Bloodstone Band. By the time Aerentis had arrived at Goldrock of House Amakiir, Duke Connyr Ullhorn had already begun to besiege the city. Lady Alyssa Amakiir believed that their forces could not breach the walls of the mountain castle, but there was rumours of Færsath soldiers making way through hidden dwarven roads underneath the mountains. After a small outbreak of the Grey Plague began in Goldrock, Lady Amakiir surrendered to Aerentis' forces. Aerentis took one son and one daughter of Lady Alyssa as hostages. With Majik secure, Aerentis returned back to the capital of Alumyth. He formed a close bond with Connyr Ullhorn.   Aerentis created the Noble Council of Majik, a mirror to the Imperial Council of the Iceblade Empire. He named the Lord Eddard Moore, as Master of Coin, Duke Connyr Ullhorn, as Master of Laws, Elwynn Theven as Master of War, and Garwynn Aluemera as Master of Ships. The position of Master of Whisperers was not needed as Aerentis deemed himself fit as the realms spymaster. The position of Master of Birds was created two months later after House Juden opposed the appointment of House Aluemera on the council.   In 281 Aerentis put forth plans to construct a royal academy and university within the walls of Alumyth. Aerentis' tutorage over his hostages gave him new ideas for a larger and more elaborate education system for the children of noble families. Some nobles across Majik believed this a ploy by Aerentis to take the noble children as hostages for further promises of loyalty. Connyr Ullhorn, Aymar Ullhorn and Thea Aluemera all pledged assistance in building the university and academy and were the first to send their house members. Other houses shortly followed through. In 284 the Royal Acadmey and Royal University were finished.   -


Aerentis the Ironhand

Spouse (Vital)

Towards Shaelyndra




Spouse (Vital)

Towards Aerentis the Ironhand



Nicknames & Petnames


Aerentis the Ironhand
Lord Blackhand
House Gaolyth of Ironhall
House Ottez of Majik
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Protector of the Island Majik (formerly)
Lord Gaoler of the Blackiron Cells (formerly)
Lord of Ironhall
Lord Warden of the Soylrun
Lord of Sunharvest
Lord of Goldrock
Master of Laws
Hand of the King
Master of the Council
Year of Birth
13 BGW 494 Years old
Shaelyndra (Spouse)
Personal Arms
A Black Hand on Grey
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