Sunabi Drannor

Sunabi Drannor, known as The Black Dragon of Drannor, is the eldest child of Ysuran Drannor and Misab 

Appearance and Character

  Sunabi is quite large and has dark black scales and burning yellow eyes. His dragon form is described as skinny, like a starving dog, and animal like. He has wings too small for his body, making it more comfortable for him to crawl on the ground than fly. His flames are a swirl of black and red. Sunabi spends the most time in his dragon form, rarely leaving it.   Sunabi has made himself huge and hulking for his elven appearance. He has short black hair and swirling yellow eyes. He is incredibly strong, and a skilled warrior. He carries armour and weapons made out of blacksteel.   His amount of time spent as a dragon has led him to be savage and cruel. He enjoys burning buildings, landscapes, and people. He is descibed as sadistic, with no shred of mercy in his black soul.
The Black Dragon of Drannor
Burning Yellow


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