
Blacksteel, also called Orcish Steel, is an extra hard alloy to make weapons and armour. It's base metal is Orcium, or blackiron.  


  Only Orcish smiths can create the legendary Blacksteel. It is a closely guarded secret to the Orc Clans. All attempts to replicate their formula, have failed. Many lords have taken Orcs against their as slaves or servants, in hopes they can produce the metal, but they could not.   There are only few Orcs that will trade blacksteel with humans, even fewer would serve under humans to make it for them. One of them is Graaf, a blacksmith in service to House Blackhold.  


  Blacksteel is stronger, heavier, and sharper than it's standard counterpart. Blacksteel is significantly lighter than blackiron. Blackiron is considered more of a dull grey, but Blacksteel is said to be as "dark as night". It is argued whether Primosi Steel or Blacksteel is the superior metal. Some argue saying that Blacksteel only takes brute strength to wield, while Primosi steel requires elegance and hard earned practice.  


Blacksteel is used for weapon and armours for the finest Orc battalions.   Ser Erryk of Blackhold has armour made of complete Blacksteel.


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