Mastovaya (mastoʊvaja)

The northernmost city on the northern continent. It is surrounded by water on most sides, and is bordered by a thick, small taiga to the south.


Duirgu Knowledge

A bustling city, home to the people that humans call "elves." No dwarf has ever made their way to Mastovaya, and their desire to is only so high as their curiosity. Due to the dangers of Melitumbe, no Queen has sanctioned going to, no less exploring, this city.


Elvish Knowledge

This is the land of the Moʊpï and the location of Grandfather. It is here that the majority of Moʊpï call home. It is a circular city of levels, shaped vaguely like a compass, with fresh water running as streams from the center throughout the city and to the shores. In the center of the city is the Eternal Spring, and around it, a massive temple has been built for worshiping Grandfather. There are varying levels of wealth, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a human here that's not working as a servant and doing manual labor - if you manage to spot any at all. Due to its closeness to the glaciers in the north, it would be much colder if not for the holy magic used to upkeep the city at all times, protecting people and plantlife alike from its chilling effects.


Human Knowledge

The shining jewel of the elves, Mastovaya is a place that many dream of going to but only rumors exist of humans who have safely made it. There is the possibility of sailing there, but humans by-and-large are not welcome or trusted to arrive there without an elvish escort. It is said that the Eternal Spring in Mastovaya is the source of unaging for the elves.

Large city


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