Melitumbe (mɛlitumbe)

Situated between the taiga to the north, the Forgotten Woods to the south, the northernmost part of Trustraird (Sïbi Poʊoila to the elves) to the southeast, and the ocean to the east and west, Melitumbe is an oft-overlooked place. It is impossible to reach Mastovaya by land without first crossing through Melitumbe.


Duirgu Knowledge

An extremely dangerous place whose magical influence is spreading into Trustraird and the northernmost territory, Ve Gekayr. It should be avoided at any and all costs. No Duirgu are permitted to go to Melitumbe without their family affairs in order first.


Elvish Knowledge

Formerly home to humans who killed each other entirely with their civil war, it was taken over by elves. Some water from the Eternal Spring was brought here, as it was with all elvish settlements, to bless the land. The elves here are different for some reason, but they're still elves, and therefore, deserve the respect and protection all elves receive. Though unknown as to why, the elves here are gray in skin tone, cannot reproduce, and the children never become adults.


Human Knowledge

Any person with a good head on their shoulders knows that traveling through Melitumbe makes the land-based trek to Mastovaya not worth it. Humans rarely make it that far north on foot as it is, and so, if a human has managed to make it that far, none have told the tale.

Large town


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