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Lorenz is a human  bard, patron of the arts, and chronicler for the Heroes of New Veluca. He is known to have such a mastery over song and prose that he can use them to bend the Weave.

Lorenz has a past shrouded in mystery. Some say that he is the son of Aurelian nobility - some say that he is merely a successful charlatan. However he came to his position in life, he is known to be a valued member of the Actor's Guild in Aurum

Having grown weary of gorging himself on the finest culture of the Beautiful City, Lorenz decided to begin a life of adventuring. Shortly after, he somehow found himself at a meeting of international nobility. This gathering included the Heroes, who had come to seek an alliance with Baron Clarise, and by extension, the Basilica. Offering his skills as a historian of sorts for the group, Lorenz began to journey with the adventurers shortly before their departure for Zera.

In his short time with the Heroes, Lorenz has shown himself to be no shrinking violet. Armed with a lance atop his pegasus mount Marienne, Lorenz believes himself to be almost untouchable as he charges headlong into battle. When not engaging in direct hand-to-hand combat, Lorenz uses an odd but powerful form of magic from afar, casting spells using his instrument and voice. 

While he may feel invincible, his time with the Heroes has shown that even a man of his caliber can be brought low from a single moment of bad luck. It remains to be seen whether the silver spoon charmer will return to the Guild with all of his old verve intact.


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