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Spearpoint of Aurelia

For several hundred years, Meridar has straddled the edge of the River Ferros and marked the northernmost edge of the great forests that cover much of Alteria. While the exact date of its foundation remains a mystery, it has long been a human stronghold. When Aurelia was officially codified around the year 255, the sturdy folk who inhabited Meridar made up some of the first soldiers - a tradition that continues to this day.

  While Meridian service has long been a point of pride, it has often come at a great sacrifice. Meridian casualties in the ongoing conflict with the Chosen far surpass southern realms, causing a hatred of elves that is almost genetic.


The sociopolitical makeup is similar to other Aurelian metropolises, although a larger percentage of citizens than average are human. The Basilica here is universally popular, and a large fraction of active Pilgrims can claim Meridian descent. Most citizens enjoy a middle to upper-middle class lifestyle and share a philosophical (if not practical) sense of austerity with the northerner towns beyond the River. Conversely, Meridar has the largest slum of the capitol cities, which spills outward from between the northern gate and the River. Those within the city, and even those in the outlying townships, tend to be unsympathetic to these so-called riverfolk.


As is typical of the Barony, Baron Igor has ultimate authority, but he generally delegates the day-to-day management of the city. The even-toned Regional Magistrate Orwin Darby handles most of the administrative monotony, while Patriarch Herod looms from the church, ordering his militarized flock about. In addition, the mysterious Open Hand operates around the city, and seems to act in the interests of the realm - although rumors abound of the unsavory characters in their employ.


As the nation's furthest metropolis, Meridar has long been considered the "Spearpoint of Aurelia." As such, it boasts a large garrison of soldiers, supported by many traveling Pilgrims. Villagers from north of the river often follow a proud, martial tradition - while southern villagers tend not to live behind walls, even the smallest northern settlement has erected some form of battlements.
Founding Date
Owning Organization


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