Aviela of Velarris Character in Teralt | World Anvil
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Aviela of Velarris

"For as long as I stand, Velarris shall never fall."

Early Life

Aviela was a young scholar and healer from the Andron city-state of Velarris, City of Harmony. From a young age, she was deeply connected to the spiritual and natural world around her, loving of other Androns, but never truly feeling like she belonged. Often, Aviela would hike out into the sprawling meadows around her homeland and surround herself with books just to be in a place where she could hear the birds chirp, and dive into Ancient history.   Near the end of the Time of Paradise, Aviela founded a library. Velarrins would bring her gifts of ancient artifacts and she would put them on display, surrounded by tomes detailing anything about them. Knowledge was free, and encouraged, in the Myrial Library (named after the Myrial Birds she so loved to listen to.) There were, of course, artifacts of times she did not know and could never uncover the secrets of.  

Prisoner at Home

But years after she opened the Myrial Library, Aviela found herself learning how to make long-forgotten tinctures and poultices. The Time of Paradise was over, the grand Rellinin Spires were collapsing, and the Velarrin people were in need of skilled healers. So Aviela did what she did best—she dove into the books, teaching herself the wisdom of the ancestors.   For just over a decade, she acted as one Velarris' top healers, but after the city was invaded by a barbaric army, she was forced to watch as her people were subjected to horrible torture, one by one. The invaders cared naught for the citizens, causing destruction and suffering for the thrill of it. Aviela was only allowed to live safely because of the useful knowledge she had spent her life acquiring.   In the year -3237 TS, the scholar uncovered something she had once discounted, mentions of a forgotten magical relic buried underneath Velarris—one that might be able to save her people from tyrannical occupation. So she ventured deep into the city catacombs, in search of the fabled "Shadow of Rellin."   After a perilous journey through the city's catacombs, Aviela finally discovered a chamber buried deep below the city's center. Six pedestals in the shape of a hexagon surrounded a dust-covered stone dais, covered with runes she had only ever seen in the Andron Aetheliths. This . On each of the pedestals but one rested a crystal sphere, each filled with the starry night sky. These were familiar to her. One such relic—its purpose never known to her—sat on display as the Myrial Library's centerpiece. The scholar quickly made the journey back to her treasure trove only to discover that a rogue group of invaders had trashed and looted the building.   But Aviela was determined. And after placing herself in greater danger, and even agreeing to marriage, she had persuaded the occupiers' leader to return her what had been stolen. Finally, with mysterious sphere in hand, Aviela was confident that she could save her people. The Shadow of Rellin would help them.  


Placing the orb (see Godstone) atop the final pedestal, Aviela was pulled into the center of the hexagon, charging with radiant light. Incredible energy filled her body, and she was shrouded in shadows. Her hair, once the purest black, turned silver. Her eyes the same. The bruises across her body healed, and she could feel tremendous power arcing across her fingertips, eager to be released. A voice filled her head—Rellin.
"To the one that would claim such power as this, I leave this warning: Act with purpose and caution. For the burden you bear shall cost more than you know."   —Rellin
  With newfound instinct and fury, the Enhanced Aviela surged upward, breaking through the city's center and interrupting the invaders' engagement celebration.  
The army broke, shocked by the sudden appearance of the shadowy figure. Only glowing silver hair and eyes visible, the figure called down lightning upon them from a clear night sky. In a single night, she took back her homeland, inspiring the Velarrin people to seize the opportunity and rise up against their scattered abusers. Aviela had saved her people from oppression.
"Flee, cowards. Velarris will suffer your occupation no longer."   —Aviela the Shadow
The Occupation of Velarris
Military Conflict | Jul 8, 2024
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Founder of the Myrial Library
  • The Shadow [of Velarris]
  • The Protector [of Velarris]
  • Queen of Knowledge
Date of Birth
-3272 TP
Date of Death
-2835 TS
Green, glowing
Long, flowing, luminous silver
5'7 or 1.7m
120 lbs or 54.4 kg

"I must admit I am shocked to find myself so protective of my peers. Once, I felt alienated. Did I find this love as a healer, or was it always there?"

Velarris, City of Harmony
Settlement | Jul 1, 2024


Elemental Control

Aviela could manipulate the elements, calling down lightning from clear skies and summoning powerful winds.

Magical Healing

Granted the innate ability to heal, Aviela could address severe wounds and illnesses otherwise thought incurable. Her touch could mend bones, close wounds, and rejuvenate the weary.

Superhuman Traits

The transformation granted her physical prowess far beyond that of any ordinary human. She could move with incredible speed and strength, which she used to great effect in defense of her home.


Her Enhancement brought with it an extended, youthful lifespan. Aviela remained in her prime for centuries, and it is unknown how long she might have lived for if she hadn't vanished.

Aura of Shadows

During battles, she could become shrouded in an aura of shadows, appearing as a fearsome figure to her enemies. This aura also provided a measure of protection, able to absorb and deflect attacks.


Aviela could grow to a towering height four times her original size, enabling her total domination of the battlefield.


Aviela of Velarris would live a long, youthful life as the defender of her city. She would be revered as a goddess by her people, and the Myrial Library soon became her temple. Ancient artifacts that once may have been gifts to a scholar became tributes to a deity. The orbs which powered the Shadow of Rellin were sealed away in her deepest chambers, never to be used for fear of their consequences and Rellin's warning.   Two stories formed of the night Velarris was saved. Within the city itself, the Enhanced human would become known as The Protector, but outside, tales were told and word spread. Velarris was a city haunted by a dark spirit, one that brought its wrath upon the guilty, but sheltered the innocent. The Shadow of Velarris, first a traumatic lesson, grew to become an unbelievable tale. And while none dared take the city again for a hundred years, when the next conquerors came, no mouths were left to speak of what form the Shadow wore.

Influence on Velarris

After her transformation, Aviela's presence profoundly shaped the culture and governance of Velarris. Revered as the local deity of the city, she has had statues erected, murals painted, and books written in her name.   She established schools to teach the healing arts and ancient knowledge she had mastered, ensuring that future generations could benefit from her wisdom. The city's defenses were strengthened under her guidance, integrating both traditional methods and newfound magical enhancements.   Aviela's guidance led to a renaissance in Velarris, with advancements in architecture, agriculture, and social cohesion, making it a beacon of prosperity and enlightenment, a place where paradise seemed achievable again one day.


The cause of the Protector's death is a mystery, but she took with her the key to Andron Enhancement, and the stability of her city-state. Not many years after her disappearance, Velarris crumbled, the majority of the population perishing of Heart Sting.


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