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Mit'Var is a prominent figure among the Azher'Tek, a race transformed from humanity by a powerful spell. The transformation was a painful process, etching black veins like lightning across his body and purple lines down from his tear ducts. This scarring serves as a permanent reminder of the torment he endured.   Despite losing most of his hair during the transformation, like most of his kin, Mit'Var boasts a lustrous mane of silvery-white hair, a rarity among the Azher'Tek, indicating his exceptional nature. His physique is slender and long-legged, an agile form that's perfect for navigating the vast, advanced City of Glass, Jada. His ears, while human-like, display a slight waviness at the tips.   Mit'Var is a Glassvoice, a prestigious title among the Azher'Tek, signifying both his magical prowess and his remarkable skill in enchanting. His expertise in the ancient magical script, Morilanic, is unrivaled, and he is a master at growing and shaping glass imbued with this script, a crucial requirement for becoming a Glassvoice.   His enchanting abilities have been instrumental in accomplishing incredible feats, including the growth of a gigantic crystal within Jada's Gleaming Spire. While the crystal was initially intended as a superweapon that could be deployed without leaving Jada, it instead became a reservoir for magic, serving as a crucial power source for the city during Mordred's absence, and continuing to do so even after Mordred's death.   Later, Mit'Var invented Glair, a self-sufficient crystalglass orb that autonomously casts spells when charged. This floating device is a symbol of Mit'Var's inventive genius and also serves as his personal defense mechanism in a world now without Mordred's leadership.  


  Like his fellow Azher'Tek, Mit'Var's skin glows subtly with the arcane energy coursing through him. His body is a living testament to his transformation, with black, lightning-like veins tracing across his skin and purple lines streaking from his tear ducts. His long, wavy-tipped ears and thick, flowing frost-moon hair distinguish him from his predominantly hairless kin.   Mit'Var's clothing is inspired by Aztec/Mayan aesthetics. He wears traditional Azher'Tek robes, adorned with symbols and insignia that reflect his status and achievements. His attire is complemented by an array of intricate glass jewelry, befitting his title as a Glassvoice. His ever-faithful companion, Glair, hovers near him, its gleaming surface a constant reminder of his magical prowess.  


  Mit'Var personifies the Azher'Tek's relentless pursuit of knowledge and experimentation. Despite the emotional numbness that often comes with the transformation, he retains a degree of his original humanity. His intense focus on his work often leads him to neglect social interactions, making him appear distant or aloof.   However, his loyalty to Mordred— even after his death— and the Azher'Tek cause remains unwavering. His dedication to his work reflects his commitment to supporting his race and preserving the world they've built in Mordred's absence.  

Skills and Abilities:

  As a Glassvoice, Mit'Var wields considerable magical power and demonstrates a deep understanding of enchanting. His proficiency with Morilanic allows him to grow and shape glass, skills reflected in the creation of the magic silo within the Gleaming Spire
Current Location
Long, frost-moon, flowing, braided back such that the mane is held out of his face.


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