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Jada, the City of Glass

"I've heard that the land of the Tek is best described as a bountiful field of gold punctured by incredible reflective teeth the height of small mountains."   -Marosi, Wandering Bard
    Named Jada, in honor of Mordred's sister's coven name Jade, since it would be too painful to name it Julia, but everyone just calls it the City of Glass. Mordred builds the city for two reasons: so that he and the Tek may have a place to meet their every need, and for the girl that reminds him of his sister. Domes connected by a magic monorail throughout the city so the girl can travel around and experience Mordred’s world / art / live a life because she’s currently unable to. Glass traps magic very well, so he uses it. People living in skyscrapers have their magic harvested to fuel things like power, vegetation, and healing through a regenerative field. It was destroyed when an army composed of the other races stormed it as Mordred was being slain. Their destruction ceased after the Great Rebirth, and the races reluctantly left the scattered and confused Tek to pick up the pieces, which they never would, as their biology requires a leader. The army stopped because even the Tek were given a second chance at life, and it was beyond the generals' power to make that decision, so they left it up to what they assumed at the time to be a divine act of peace. Anything that could be built in a triangle or hexagon is, as triangles and hexagons are the strongest shapes. There are even triangular and hexagonal bricks, the hexagon being the shape of later buildings. A hexagon made of triangles is Jada's symbol. (It originates from Mordred’s ring.)
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