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The Room of the Red Book

Write until the ink runs dry, The Book shall make truth of your lie.   Beware your words, for if in fraction, The Book shall make them in abstraction.   Restore the Heart, two halves in whole, The Book shall regain full control.

The King's Gauntlet

The King’s Gauntlet is a difficult series of challenges, designed by Castor, located inside the Bimbling Wood. It is difficult to complete the Gauntlet as the woods move to prevent access to the Red Book, which is located directly in the center. As the challenges are completed, the individual passing them gains an increasingly intricate mark. The mark enables them to pass through the Bimbling Wood toward any target destination without the woods confusing them.   Should an individual complete the challenges of the King's Gauntlet and earn the completed mark, they will arrive outside the Room of the Red Book as a Wisher. With the passphrase, “Kaysta Valensra”, they gain Castor’s Blessing. This allows them to pass Castor's final defense, the Twins of Death, which are the two hooded statues made in his image that will blast anyone who does not bear the mark.   Entering the Room will cause an invisible wall of energy to form at the entrance, preventing another from following. The Red Book, held by a statue of Kaysta herself, will open, revealing a list of all wishes made in the past. Next to the Red Book is an inkwell and quill, resting in Kaysta's other hand. The Wisher may dip the quill into the inkwell and write until they run out and the quill must be redipped. At this time, their words will be converted into Morilanic and take effect, granting their wish to the best of the Gauntlet's ability.  
After Korangar weakened the Gauntlet by breaking the Slayer's Heart into two pieces and scattering them, the magic was severely limited and the Gauntlet required 20 years to recharge its power before another Wisher could enter the Room of the Red Book.   The two Halves of the Slayer's Heart, when combined, created a crystalline star that could be placed within the statue of Kaysta, who holds the Red Book. The returned Heart allows the Wisher to write anything into the Red Book and have it granted nearly limitlessly.  
The Book and ink are red because of Castor’s blood. The binding strings are golden because of his hair. The pale pages feel like skin because of his skin.   It is believed by the few to have entered the Room of the Red Book that it is actually where Castor, Father of Magic transcended. With the incredible magic power present in the room, they believe the statues are created in his image.   For many years, mages of a nearby kingdom were apprenticed with the sole purpose of completing the Gauntlet and using their wish to force the Room of the Red Book to close for another 20 years. (Brotherhood of the Book) This was done at the request of Korangar to keep any human from ever growing powerful enough to become a god.   However, a prince discovers the hidden training and follows the advisor through the Gauntlet, killing him just before he enters the Red Room and using his wish to gain great power. This eventually brings ruin to the kingdom, and the King's Gauntlet becomes an unprotected secret, written about in hidden documents within the empty kingdom. Mordred later finds these.
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