Altashetham Settlement in Teravar | World Anvil
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Altashetham (Al-ta-shet-ham)

The capital of Venrir and the second largest city in the New World, Altashetham stands strong at a populace of 97 thousand people. Situated at the point where the River Beck runs into the southern end of Lake Lashnola, this is seen as some of the most fertile lands in the entire empire. Located in "Deep Venrir", the name for the Westernmost territory that juts off as a penninsula within the penninsula the country already exists in, is some of the best farmland in the Western side of the New World. Deep grasslands grace the countryside, rolling out deeper into beautiful hills that are loaded with valuable metals to keep the area as wealthy as they are fed. While other groups live in this city, over 95% of the populace is some form of Elven, with 10% being Drow while the other 85% are High Elf.   Built early in the elvish settlement period, the buildings are almost entirely fairly new buildings. After a particularly devastating fire during the Gwanurdagr nearly a century before, Lelym the Restorer earned his epithet by rebuilding the city in a far more regal style. Government buildings are lined with flawless marble, which shines brightly in contrast to the lower classes brick houses. Far more modest than the classical architecture of their aristocratic betters, the city is still very nice to live by the average person's standards! The city's natural beauty, rich mineral wealth in the hills nearby, and fertile farming in the surrounding countryside means it is near impervious to enemy attacks. Yet that does not mean completely safe. Several times, the great city has changed hands as, while never officially stated, one familiar with history would have to admit; whomever controls the capital controls the country.


Altashetham isn't completely barred from non-elves the way several other cities along the Deep Venrir are, but the results speak for themselves. Where there are tens of thousands of highborn, and thousands of drow there are at best hundreds of any other species in the city. Typically, unless attached as a diplomatic team from a foreign nation, a special interest group for a minority populace, or gnomish inventors at Reesillbyc Enterprises, those not of the elvish (and to a lesser extent specifically Highborn) descent tend to be on the poorer end of things.


Altashetham is the ruling seat of power for the Venrir Imperial family, which is located at the Southeast part of the city. While officially, the Empress can declare any ruling for the city without oversight except from the Parliament objecting, the royal family has typically stayed out of local affairs by focusing almost entirely on foreign issues. Instead, a holdover from Lelym's conquest of the near destroyed husk of a city he gathered decades ago, the Aegis Council still rules over the city. Far from the ad-hoc collection of nobles from the darkest days of the empire, now they are an elected body of 10 leaders with one for each district. Historically, one district goes to the Imperial Palace so the ruler selects a representative who abstains from voting in all procedures but serves as the official that leads the council. Many men compete for the title of "Palace Councilman" but only one prominent individual is given the claim each six year term. Though each councilor is elected to serve in a democratic body, due to the Byzantine nature of the city government most tasks are actually under the jurisdiction of just one or two of the board. Thus, each councilor must "negotiate" (barter) with the others in order to move any form of infrastructure forwards. Still, the system has held. And councilors know not to choke off another district in fear that one of the few institutions older than the Restoration be snuffed out as well.

Industry & Trade

A great deal of industry exists in the city, however when you ask someone to describe what businesses stick out to them, these would be the ones most everyone would pick.   Crystalightning: A husband and wife artificer pair make what is one of the biggest fads for decor at the moment right in the center of Moonrise. Crystals that are found near pockets of Moonstone seem to channel magic quite well (unlike the rock which serves as concentrated magic energy). Using a secret technique, they know how to transmute lightning into the center of these crystals, letting them light your home and spark off with harmless static bolts. While being little more than a very expensive lamp, these have become a collectors item and the wait time for certain colors can run as long as several years before shipping!   Pillbem, Zarkir and Hieries Inc.: What would the new world be without gnomes? Their craft is some of the best in the world, so it makes sense that three industrialists have formed a conglomerate right in the center of The Hill. Watches, clocks, guns, you name it and it requires a good craftsman, they have it. There's also a collection of smaller and cheaper gnomish inventors scattered across the city, but don't expect the same quailty guarantees of PZH inc!   Forestics: Security systems are a great idea. How about a vine system that grows inside the walls of your home and can document who broke in? For the moderately wealthy, Forestics brings their latest magically enhanced products that slowly grow beneath your subfloor and between your walls, so only a tiny peek out of the corners of your rooms is the only evidence they exist. If there has been a break in, you can speak the password in a room for the vine to produce and split off a tablet sized "portrait" of the individuals who broke into your home. Forestics boasts a 97% conviction rate on any and all criminals that have broken into their customers houses!   Luckyfruit: Created in whitegroves, the company sells a magical fruit tree that grows an alcoholic fruit. No need for fermenting in order to get drunk with these!   The Spinning Wheel: Innoco is ancient, even by drow standards. But the woman is a master at the art of spinning clothes. Somehow, she always makes the perfect proportioned outfit for you exactly to your specifications. Nothing is too hard for this woman, and her world class clothing is worth more than its weight in gold.


Altashetham is hemmed in by water on most of its sides, its north and west boundaries are rounded by the River Beck. This serves as a natural breakpoint where most of the city stops at, save a few small communities. On the East side, the Lake Lashnola serves as a harbor for boats travelling upstream as well as a major supply of fish for the city's diet. Due to natural damming, the river collects a significant amount of water in the lake before moving on. In the districts around the lake, industrial work can be seen with some smokestacks going six of the eight days of the week (minus Holidays). Further southeast, as you get closer to the Imperial Palace you find the city getting nicer and cleaner with every city block. Every day, an "Artist of the City" comes by with some magical item cleaning the city like a small army of autonomous brooms or a living ball of water to flush out the streets.


District List: 1. Ulm Valley 2. Lake Docks 3. Bayside 4. The Bulwark 5. The Hill 6. Moonrise District 7. Whitegroves 8. Palace Grounds 9. Sunrise District 10. Bluesprings   Legend: District Name, Points of Interest, Domain of God/Goddess   1. Ulm Valley: Originially, this city was called Ulm. A small farming village on the lake that had more than exemplary returns year after year eventually became the site of the new planned capital of the elves. Now, the area has been redone and like most of the districts following Lelym's restoration, the city now is mostly brilliant marble administration buildings for a gigantic empire constantly in need of even more expansion. Here is where you will find the Grand Temple to Eine, the largest temple dedicated in her name in the entire world. However, even for all of this bluster, even the most pious of priests consider it their second holiest site within the city. Even still, there is some god or goddess that holds "claim" over each district, and this one falls to Soat. The Temple of Justice both represents a place of worship for him as well as the highest body of law in the land. Technically, this body is the only one which has no check on its balance of power, even the current Empress cannot claim that.   2. Lake Docks: These huge docks host the bulk of supplies to and from the city center. At all hours of the day men and women of all walks of life come through this port peddling wares for the high society of Venrir to purchase. Since each district is divided up by their gods, this one is dedicated to Draiylax. Since he is the god of dreams, his oracles in the city are some of the greatest. While not the grandest temple to the god, as Yuethanil and several in Innocia are larger, the Tád Lór is such a unique temple that it brings pilgrims and distressed insomniacs from the world over to help better comprehend their messages.   3. Bayside: The smallest district in size, Bayside makes up for it by being some of the most dense in development. White with pink highlights decorating the streets and buildings alike in a seemingly perfect color scheme, the whole district has a magic about it in a far longer lifespan compared to nearby districts. Disease and filth seem to slowly...dissolve in the presence of Eranol. In the center of the district lies his crowning achievement; St. Leriya's. The grandest and most advanced hospital in the continent. Named after the priestess who discovered blood types, allowing for blood transfusions to save thousands of lives every year. In the center courtyard of the hospital is a statue carved in honor to her sainthood.   4. The Bulwark: The capital may be far from danger. But it would be a poor choice to leave it unguarded. Perhaps the Palace is more defendable, as few know what defenses make up its gates. But everyone knows of the Bulwark. A magical fortress capable of withstanding some of the greatest attacks possible, it has only been finished durign the reign of Cassala as her father even didn't live long enough to see some of the encantations finished. Ci controls the district, and is said to often speak directly into the ears of trainers and recruits alike at the military academy. However, Ci is not only the goddess of warfare but also of gambling. And the city DOES need a way to recuperate some of its losses for such a huge fortress. So, to the frustration of many a decorated officer, the goddess's temple is also the fort's greatest weakness. The Lady Luck is a casino, unlike any the world has ever seen. Standing high above every other building in the district, and third in the city only to the Imperial Palace and The Great Library, tens of thousands of people come to gamble away their lifes work in hopes of striking it big.   5. The Hill: This district serves as both the industrial and political hub of the empire, at a cost of punching well below its weight in the city. The Hill is the home of both main political parties in Venrir, being the birthplace of one of them as well as the Legislative capital of the Empire. The Venrir Parliament meets in sessions to pass laws and rulings for the country at large, and as the patron of the district, Il'rinu dominates there as well as in The Showcase Theater which serves as both her temple and the most masterful of performances in the least according to them. Her temple is unique in that often, it will depict instances relating to other gods and goddesses, so technically depending on the billing night anyone is capable of worshipping their religion in these halls.   6. Moonrise District: While Bayside has the greatest properties to living in its district, Moonrise has the most spectacle. Every night, this leisure district made up of bars, brothels and taverns magically begins to glow a vibrant color, alternating between Green, Teal and Purple depending on which moon is fuller (deferring to the further out moon when tied). This means every night the whole district glows in a soft, stunning display in celebration to the three moons above. Orearus's district is perhaps the most "out of character" of any of them, as he is not a particularly passionate god like Ci is. Thus, Orearus dedicated to his love of the people of Venrir by giving them The Moonsong Temple, which is as much a popular attraction as it is a temple of worship.   7. Whitegroves: Bluesprings has the name, but it is whitegroves where most of the city's hot springs truly lie. As the district dedicated to Baed, many people use the hot springs as a place to rejuvinate themselves, as it's claimed that the waters can make an elf look thirty years younger. The residential district has small shops and dedicated craftsmen, but the largest section of the populace lives here. Still, there are things to do in the district such as The Laughing Cow, a restaraunt ran by a group of Baed shrinemaidens that will care for you until you are satisfied in all ways. Just be prepared to foot a significant bill, but at least it's for a good cause!   8. Palace Grounds: The grandiose palace to the current ruling family is gigantic. Dedicated guard towers take up entire city blocks as the monumental structure stands as a clear reminder of who is in charge. It takes a good deal of effort to secure a pass to enter into the palace for a great deal many reasons. Not the least of which is Eine is believed to quite frequently visit the palace herself, as a beam of light regularly fires up and down from the sky into the tallest tower in the city. Supposedly, this is where Eine quite often spends her time in consort with her descendant, the current Empress.   9. Sunrise District: The antithesis of her husband's district. Sunrise changes colors with the sun, giving off a deep orange at morning, before becoming a soft yellow at midday until finally evolving into a spectrum of warm colors at nightfall. N'ndrak is unique as well to the district for two reasons. First, The Grand Library was planned for her husband, but he gifted it to her at the last moment. Thus, most of the mages that cannot afford to live in Ulm Valley stay here, near some of the greatest repositories of knowledge in the world. Second, N'ndrak is the only goddess who frequents Altashetham more than Eine. This is not a good thing. While swearing not to lay a finger on any individual, N'ndrak regularly possesses one of her priests or priestesses to go into the center of the district and basically pick shouting matches with ongoers. Drunks, fools, and those who feel scorned by the goddess can get in their licks by yelling at the goddess right to her face. And since she's the goddess of wrath, that is technically worshipping her! Much to her chagrin, she must thank anyone she has argued with that day especially if they got her angry, as that helps her gain power. Often, bars will display leaderboards of how long someone kept the goddess on their street in an argument with free beer for anyone bearing a scar from her spitting (boiling temperature water) right in their face.   10. Bluesprings: A unique district for a unique pair of gods. It is the only district not just shared by one god, as Tyix has allowed Jikl to inhabit his domain. The former god is feared but respected, while the latter is hated. Thus, the district's population of residential houses, small shops, and an inordinate number of graveyards seems to turn to darkness far faster than it should. On certain days, the sun can be in the sky a full half hour while the light hitting the area makes it seem like a full moon at best is out. Still, the least populated district does have some things going for it. Not the least of which is Tyix's Stone of Memory.  


  Little is known about the palace's defenses to say the least, as stone guardians stand at the tops of the walls, never moving but are believed by many to be unflinching sentinels in the case of assault by an outside power. What IS better known however is the defenses of the regular city itself. A simple wall five men wide stands between seven of the districts and the outside world, and the Bulwark has an additional defensive wall protecting it. It is through the Bulwark that the most famous weapon of the city lies. In the top tower of The Lady Luck, lies Ci's Winning Hand. It is a gigantic cannon that is simply put, so massive that direct fire does not work for it. When it is fired, the entire city can FEEL the tremors from its great gun, lobbing a shell high into the air to serve as a magically targeted mortar on whatever poor soul opposes the empire today.

Points of interest

Temple of Justice: Serving both as the Supreme Court of Venrir as well as the temple to Soat, lawyers populate most of the houses right around this grandiose structure. Dedicated in one of the side wings is the St. Ghin School of Law, where many of the nations future leaders are studying at this very moment.    Tád Lór: Draiylax may have a larger temple in Yuethanil, but his one in Altashetham is far more impressive. Here, a group of up to twelve people come and rest on beds, with one person on a "main" bed, before being put to sleep. All of them are able to access the dreams of that specific individual, who is lucid enough to replay any dream they can still remember details of. Generally, besides the Oracle in Innocia, this specific temple is considered the most accurate of all dream readers.   St. Leriya's: A massive hospital dedicated to studying the various diseases of the world. People from across the empire regularly visit here in order to get whatever ails them cured. All of the nurses onstaff are nuns of Eranol.   The Lady Luck: The largest casino in the world! With the tower of wealth at the top, this building sticks out like a sore thumb even from miles away. Flashing lights, spinning wheels and fireworks regularly fire off from the casino that beckons any and all inside in order to separate them from their money.   Venrir Parliament: Five hundred senators meet from all over the empire to hash out the laws of the land. Proportional to population, districts regularly change every five years so no two sessions are the same.   The Showcase Theater: The most famous theater in Venrir regularly performs some of the most spectacular plays, using a magically enhanced backdrop and auditorium walls to make the viewers feel like they're inside of the scene. Plays can be tragedies, comedies or religious works, it's just whomever books a show. Nearby you'll find dozens of troupes dedicating their life's work to promoting the best showbusiness has to offer.   The Moonsong Temple: Orearus loves his children. That's why a thoughtful gift he created for his children has ended up bastardized into an elaborate carnival ride. The temple is unlike any other, while the foundation outside does not move the whole building sways from side to side from within. In fact, the entire structure is built up like one of the great Elven ships of legend that sailed the high seas for hundreds of years. A constant fog interrupted by blasts of rain are to show how far the people have come, but even the congregation can't help but be amused quite often by this realistic depiction of being on a boat in very choppy waters.   The Laughing Cow: It's Baed. She's the goddess of fertility. Her smug grin on the front of the restauraunt, which stands in front of a small orchard full of magically enhanced foods has some of the best food in the world. Every single chef is one of her priests. Every single waitress is one of her nuns. It has two tracks one can take. Either the upper fine dining section for what is considered the best tasting food in the world, or the lower section for those who wish to truly enjoy what "fertile" means when it comes to crops. Please remember to stop when it starts hurting and REALLY stop when it quits hurting any longer.   The Grand Library: A massive depository of books in a massive, circular wooden building that rises like a spire to the heavens. Windows let in all kinds of light and anyone is allowed in on the ground floor. However, the rarer and more spectacular books are higher up, and need progressively harder clearance to get permission to look at.   Stone of Memory: Tyix chose to give the city of Altashetham a gift, one that they would never forget. Every day hundreds of pilgrims come to cry against this massive marble block. If you're thinking of someone who is alive or hasn't been wept for on the stone before, their "essence" is put into the stone. If you weep for them again another day, their face appears with a smiling visage and will offer you words of comfort. It's not hard to understand why the best therapists in the city make their offices so close by.   Ci's Winning Hand: A gigantic mortar cannon with magical properties and rumored to have a mind of its own. It has been decades since anyone assaulted the city, so it mainly is fired either for testing purposes, training, or most often for some grandiose ceremony. Off limits to visitors up close.


Dance of a Thousand Flowers: Hosted by N'ndrak, once a year her district has a grand parade in which a thousand people are flower dancers. Through the course of the all day party that occurs, their dresses and suits will gradually bloom outwards and change color, before finally the petals begin to fall off when dusk arrives. Thus, the party begins to migrate across Bayside and Ulm Valley before finally reaching Moonrise as the last lights fade away. Each of the dancers outfits, now far less clad than before, begin to glow accordingly and alternate colors between the three moons through the night. Past dresses don't regrow the flowers but can be worn on the night of the dance yet again to recapture that magic, so the evening festival is filled with a cacophany of colors as the whole district is flooded in a grand spectacle.   The Rememberance of Gwanurdagr: A 37 day long performance playing in The Showcase Theater. It is painstakingly recreated, to the point characters who die on the stage have taken substances to temporarily stop their hearts. Each day is representative of a different year of the great war, ending with the restoration by Lelym. It is considered a great prestige to be able to see every day of the show, even though its nonstop nature means all but the most magically powerful being would need several years of rewatches to complete it.   The Impossible Zoo: Perhaps Baed got a little too creative. With the help of Orearus and Eranol, she guided the mages of Altashetham to create The Impossible Zoo in Whitegrove. This massive structure is technically five times the size it actually is. By that, the bottom layer is normal. The ground is down and the sky is up. Everything is normal, until you reach the end of the path on one end of the park. If you keep walking on the sidewalk, gravity shifts. And within enough steps, you're upside down, and looking up just lets you see the bottom of the park again! The entire structure is in the shape of a giant "S" and as long as you keep going in one direction, the entire park is actually five stacked on top of each other. Three are upright, and two are upside down. You CAN jump, but it's not recommended you do so, and definitely not away from anywhere on the structure to land. Some of the rarest and strangest animals in the world are in this park with many more open exhibits for magical animals yet to grace their park. In fact, one could make a serious profit finding some of the creatures on their bounty board, the trick is just bringing them in alive!   The Sleight of Hand Tournament: Hosted in The Lady Luck, this gigantic tournament is where only the best go to play. Hundreds compete in the game of choice, which varies by the year. Entirely at the discretion of the goddess Ci, she lets fate decide who can defeat all of the others. In the end, the final winner is given a significant payout and the grand prize: a single wish from Ci herself. There are stipulations, like one can't wish to be the emperor of Venrir or immortal, but generally any person who wins never has to work another day for the rest of their lives. Good luck trying to use magic to cheat in the games, as that's grounds for disqualification in a far more...aggressive manner than simply busting out.


Each district has its own color schemes about it, like Orearus with the moons, N'nDrak with the sun, or Eranol with the white and pink, but most buildings in the city (with a few exceptions like the Great Library) follow the same marble classical architecture style for the wealthiest and brick for the less so. This gives the city a clean uniformity about it when buildings are compared, even if the colors may change. Generally, in order to deviate from this design, it takes a LOT of permits and inspections to get it approved.


Besides defensiveness and wealth, weather was a huge reason as to why this city was chosen to lead the empire. With the summer peaking in the month of Eranol at (80F) as the highs with evening dropping to (64F), the weather drops only moderately into the winter around the month of Baed with a high of (74 F) and a low of (62F). Combine that with a predictable but surprisingly mild rain pattern and the city is an almost perfect state of equilibrium.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Leyline, That accursed elf town, Lashnola-Othrond, The Holy City, Pilgrimage
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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