The Holy State of Venrir Organization in Teravar | World Anvil
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The Holy State of Venrir (Vin-Reer)

An Elven Empire with a very strong religious administration.

"The New World revolves around Venrir"
A statement said smugly by its inhabitants and begrudgingly by its enemies. It is the second largest nation in both area and population on the continent, however its influence more than makes it the most dominant.   Founded three hundred years prior by Elven colonists and religious pilgrims, Venrir has rapidly expanded to being the central locus for all elves in the least the ones native to the old world. Their nation is made up of a small majority of "Way of the Moon Elves" (Descendants of the Moon Fleet) along with a collection of races both native and immigrated to the continent. The largest of these are the Drow, native elves who practice a more mystical version of the state religion.       


Most elven populations are on the westernmost edge of the country or keep near to the coast. Here, tens of thousands farm, work and thrive in the wealthiest area on the continent. This is typically where elven dominance is at its highest and the entire populations of certain races: like Gnomes and the few Genasi on the continent. Here you will find most of the largest cities in the elven realms. And order from the state is at its strongest in the region.   Grasslands and forests in the west defer towards the middle of the continent where a vast jungle lies. Here, the Venrir state's strength is far more theoretical than practical. Except in cities on the coast (sometimes literally ending feet from the walls), order does not exist in the great Jungle of Ishnor. Settlements dot the area as little bastions of civilization, be it Elven or Drow in some form. But those two are far from the only races in the area. As far as other "civilized" races go, Beastmen and various Fey races seem concentrated in these parts. Drifting down from there, you have tortles who are constant roaming adventurers willing to learn and do anything for excitement. They often work as mercenaries for the general free-for-all in the swamps and river regions of the center part of the continent. Here, you will find an entire ecosystem of Fae races, Grung, Giant Reptilian Beastmen, mermaids and more! It's believed besides The Great Granite Mountains, nowhere has as much hidden wealth in Teravar. Ancient ruins and forgotten dungeons dot the landscape for miles around!   Further East still is the Soat Mountains which separate the jungles from the dry lands of the east. Dry grasslands and cool deserts dominate this part of the continent, which is almost exclusively Moon Elves. These cities serve as a focal point of trade, but are heavily defended due to wars with their northern neighbors and constant skirmishing with the orc hordes to the East.    


The nation is ruled by a hereditary empire under Casala II, only fifteen years into her reign. While considered the leader of all elvenkind, her reign proceeds an especially turbulent era. Her father, Lelym the Restorer, managed to reunite the empire during an especially bloody civil war known as The Gwanurdagr. Constantly maintaining a large army, he would fight several wars in rapid succession against The Pronian United Provinces, culminating in The Isthmus War in the final years of his reign. Less than five years after the war's completion, Lelym would pass away and leave his daughter in charge. His nearly century long rule is a significant break towards the Emperors before him, who had shorter and shorter reigns one after another. So a foreboding feeling hangs over the royal household wondering if Lelym broke the cycle or if he was merely a lone long streak in a dotted line of short lived rulers.

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