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Kem Lunos

Archmage Kem Lunos

Through either a cruel twist of fate or the deliberate final act of the evil god itself, its heart was desposited in the metaphorical lap of the richest man on the Mundane plane. He used it to cause The Convergence. Having lost the ability to cast Wish himself, he uses the Adventurers' Guild to raise up spellcasters to do it for him. He is a master of forbidden Enchantment magic.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Is actually in his mid-80s but appears 50 thanks to various magical interventions. Neither handsome nor imposing, would be somewhat forgettable if you didn't know who he is.

Facial Features

Babyfaced, weak chin. Hidden by long gray beard.

Special abilities

Deeply paranoid, Kem has multiple levels of protection and backup prepared. His inner sanctum is covered by a permanent Forbiddance. The keep as a whole has overlapping Guards and Wards spells active. He has at least one powerful being trapped in an Imprisonment spell, ready to release at need. And of course he has a Clone hidden in a Demiplane with a backup spellbook. He controls high level spellcasters (and other powerful people as needed) with permanent Geas spells, masked by the Enchanter's Alter Memories feature.

Apparel & Accessories

Robes, staff, and a pointy hat. Tries to look like a stereotypical Gandalf-type.

Specialized Equipment

The Convergence consumed all of the magic remaining in the god's heart, shriveling it down into an extremely dense, jet-black rock. This stone now sits atop Kem's staff.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

cis male


hetero. Privately homophobic ("weirded out") but doesn't speak or act on that publicly. Would never speak out against homophobia especially from those in power.


Degrees in economics and physics, most of which he has forgotten if he ever learned it in the first place. Has used Wishes to learn about magic and related topics. Knows less than he thinks he does.


Pre-Convergence, was a serial entrepreneur and investor. Now is the Archmage of the Thalaran Hegemony and head of the Adventurers' Guild.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Widely recognized as "Master of Magic", despite being less capable than any dragon (of course), several non-human wizards and druids, and many other beings. And that is just on the Prime Material. Speaks authoritatively and at length on any topic, whether he actually knows anything about it or not.

Failures & Embarrassments

Has a long string of failures that he ignores, or covers up if they're too big to ignore. Any enterprise on which he embarks is very likely to collapse into worthlessness as he steers it blunderingly into easily foreseen shoals, at which point he moves on to something new. He has wasted more than one Wish on undoing a project that caused people to question his competence.

Mental Trauma

Obsessed with existential threats, constantly trying to increase his control over reality in order to feel better about them. Ironically does NOT attempt to actually predict and prevent real threats, considering such an obvious solution to be beneath him. ("If it were that easy someone would have done it already. I have more important things to do.")

Intellectual Characteristics

Workaholic, and demands the same of everyone under his direct control. Haughtily dismissive of anyone who diagrees with him.

Morality & Philosophy

Utterly and completely self-obsessed. Nothing in the world matters if it doesn't contribute to his own power and control.

Personality Characteristics


To amass power and increase his control over everything, in order to assuage his deep terror of existential threats

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Charming and influential to people who like him. Quickly driven to rage by any disagreement. Will talk authoritatively about virtually anything, actually knows far less than he thinks about most topics. Nonetheless, people who DO know more tend to make excuses for him ("well sure, he was wrong about that one thing that I know a ton about, but I'm sure he's right about everything else").

Likes & Dislikes

Likes sycophants, attentive listeners, being seen as the final authority on everything. Dislikes any disagreement or opposition to whatever he wants in the moment.


Religious Views

Was a staunch atheist on the Mundane plane. Recognized the evil invader as supernatural, but never used the word god. Now knows of clerics and paladins but still figures they are just another flavor of magic. Once he turns his attention that way, his paranoia will reach an all new level, and he will very likely turn all of his energy toward becoming a god.

Social Aptitude

Outwardly charming as long as everyone around him is agreeing with him. Privately he is awkward and introverted. When faced with opposition of any kind he is given to bursts of rage and throwing childish tantrums.

Wealth & Financial state

Richest person on the Mundane plane
More focused on power and influence than strictly wealth now; he can access nearly unlimited resources as needed without it necessarily being "his".
Neutral Evil
Current Status
Raising up spell casters to cast Wish for him
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Head of Adventurers' Guild
mid-80s, appears 50
South Africa, Mundane plane
Current Residence
Archmage's palace near the capitol of the Thalaran Hegemony
Quotes & Catchphrases
If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough
I could either watch it happen, or be part of it
Well, I have tried to learn as much as possible from prior attempts
If nothing else, we are committed to failing in a new way
When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor
I'd rather be optimistic and wrong, than pessimistic and right
Life needs to be more than just solving every day problems. You need to wake up and be excited about the future.
We must pass the Great Filter!
If you scare people enough, they will demand removal of freedom. This is the path to tyranny.
Ignores the gods, for now
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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