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Originating in the now-defunct Mundane plane, humans are by far the most numerous species in the Material plane: there are about as many humans as all other humanoids combined. They are highly adaptable, living in nearly every climate on land, although there are few human settlements in the Underdark and none underwater. They tend to rely on non-magical technology to a greater degree than other species.

Basic Information


After millenia of imperialism on the Mundane plane, and centuries of capitalism, humans tend to be much more aggressive and individualistic than other species. There are plenty of good individuals, but as a whole, humans are responsible for upsetting the balance that existed for thousands of years. They are expanding their influence through trade and through military conquest. They tend to take it as a given that they are just doing what they must, without even thinking about peaceful coexistence.   Humans tend to make occasional anachronistic references to the modern (outside of DnD) world, couched as "Mandyisms" - references to the fictional god Mandy the Mundane. These are disguised as OOC jokes; in a longer campaign that centers on uncovering the mysteries of The Convergence, they will eventually be revealed as a clue to what happened.

Additional Information

Social Structure

More good-aligned humans have a preference for democracy and equality, but as a whole humans tend to fall into hierarchies. Kingdoms and Empires have sprouted quickly since The Convergence. In the worst cases, fascism is on the rise.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Human settlements can be found nearly anywhere on land. Billions of humans transferred over from the Mundane plane, and though the combined land mass of the Prime Material is several times greater than that of Mundane Earth, you will never travel very far before running into more of them.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Thalaran Hegemony

Average Technological Level

Humans rely on non-magical technology more than other species. While most other species have technology roughly approximating the Middle Ages, humans are closer to the Renaissance. They do not explicitly remember life without magic, but seem to have an affinity for developing alternatives to its use. Since The Convergence, there have been numerous technological breakthroughs such as the printing press, flying buttresses, mundane medicine, and more. Some humans see magically-enhanced technology such as that produced by the goblins and gnomes as fascinating and filled with potential, while others deride it as "cheating" or even as unclean and dangerous.

Common Taboos

Like everyone in the Material plane, humans have a deep taboo against Enchantment magic that overrides free will. Some human societies are opposed to magic in general, although these are definitely a minority.


As with the other planes, the Mundane plane was once home to multiple sapient species. Humans killed them all off. They seem to be constitutionally incapable of living peacefully in balance with their neighbors and their environment. The Convergence rewrote history so they have "always" been on the Mundane plane, part of the balance. Ever since they've actually been there, they have proven that this is not the case.

Historical Figures

Kem Lunos, the Archmage who caused The Convergence.
Plud Mordant, Lord of the Thalaran Hegemony.

Common Myths and Legends

There is a collective memory of their high-technology past in the Mundane plane that slips out when they aren't thinking as "Mandyisms": some anachronistic reference to something simple that cannot possibly exist in this world, attributed to Mandy the Mundane. If questioned in the moment, the speaker will trail off with a distant stare, then change the subject as if they hadn't said anything. No one really believes that Mandy exists, but nearly all give at least some lip service. If pressed on the matter they dismiss it as widespread joke.   When the toilet paper runs out, but there’s a new roll within arm’s reach…
When a sock that disappeared in the laundry reappears in the next load…
When you start to sneeze but no sneeze comes out, it’s customary to say “Mandy bless you”
Whenever you wake up 30 seconds before your alarm rings…
Whenever you make it through on the yellow…
Whenever your teacher forgets to assign homework…
Anytime you go to a fast food joint and they have Mr Pibb…
When you go to a bar for the first time and it just happens to be Happy Hour…
When you don’t think you have any eggs, but surprise!
When you do laundry and there’s no lint in the dryer screen, Mandy cleaned it up for ya.
When you reach into your trail mix and get a nice ratio of M&Ms…
When you fall asleep in class but the teacher never notices…
When you forget to set the timer but your baked goods come out perfect…
When you get off the plane and arrive at the baggage claim right as your bag appears…
When you go to pay the parking meter and realize it’s free on weekends…
When you get a free extra fries in your takeout bag at McDonald’s, that’s Mandy sharing theirs.
When you get to the hotel early but the room is already ready…
When you’re about to call someone and they call you first…

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Most individual humans are happy to coexist with their non-human neighbors. But as societies, they crowd out others without a whole lot of sympathy. Grassroots attempts to assist or protect nonhumans who are harmed by human activity get a lot of popular acclaim but very little official support. There are distressing numbers of human organizations that explicitly call for the subjugation or elimination of non-humans.
Related Organizations


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