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Plud Mordant

Lord Plud Mordant

Lord of the Thalaran Hegemony. Like most fascist leaders, outsiders are completely confounded at why anyone takes this guy seriously, much less dedicate their entire lives to him. But his followers are legion, and utterly fanatical.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fat, old, weak. Demands court magicians to keep him appearing younger than he is. This will not work indefinitely, but so far so good.

Body Features

Very fat. Smooth soft skin. Orange face except around the eyes. Bald but hides it under a bad blond wig. Notably small hands, which he is extremely self-conscious about.

Facial Features

Round piggy face. Orange skin except around the small gray eyes.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Mordant is not smart, no matter what he or his followers think. But he is cunning. He instinctively knows exactly how to motivate and inflame his followers, and is masterful at playing people off each other.

Morality & Philosophy

Ultimately, Mordant cares about nothing and no one but himself. In the past he has espoused many ideals that are the polar opposite of what he says today. But over the decades he has definitely honed in on the most effective message for holding onto his followers: xenophobia. Non-humans are the root cause of everything wrong in Thalar. Things were better in the unspecified past, and will be better again once all of those horrible, cheating, evil, filthy non-humans are gone.


Does not drink alcohol or take any mind-altering substances. Dislikes touching anyone for fear of getting dirty.

Personality Characteristics


Doesn't actually care about ruling the Hegemony, but desperately wants to remain in power. Wants to be respected and feared. Lives for times when he can address an adoring crowd who hang on his every word.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He has won an enormous, very dedicated following by saying out loud the things that these people believe in secret. He is willing to blame everything wrong on an easily identified enemy, making his followers feel superior, no matter how miserable they actually are.   He is not, however, actually intelligent in any useful way. The military is spreading the borders of the Hegemony, but Mordant has absolutely no direct say in it. Similarly, he is not involved in the day-to-day administration of things at home.   He is quick to anger and will fire anyone for any reason. He is not a puppet or a figurehead, but he serves a singular purpose as the head of government.

Likes & Dislikes

Lives for the times he can address crowds of adoring followers. He has learned to space these rallies out though, since having them too frequently can lead to smaller and less enthusiastic turnouts.


Makes no attempt to keep himself healthy, but does obsess with remaining clean.



Mordant is a despot, plain and simple. Fascism is the only system that would ever allow him to get anywhere near power.

Family Ties

Currently on his 7th wife. Tends to divorce whenever he gets bored.
His only long-term life partner is his eldest daughter, Kina.

Religious Views

In public, frequently namechecks good deities such as Chauntea and Sune, but has never given any indication of knowing anything at all about them. Does actually know a thing or two about Waukeen (appreciated by merchants) and Torm (espoused by the military), but doesn't do anything to their devotion himself. In private, he has been performing many rituals associated with Bane, although no one has ever heard him utter the name and it's possible he doesn't even know why he is doing these things.

Social Aptitude

Amazingly good at working a crowd, as long as they agree with him (which a distressing number of humans do). Face to face, he is distinctly unimpressive. Will not stay around people that are not taken in by him.


Lots of rambling and non sequiturs. Squinches his whole face up into a closed-mouth grin while people are cheering him.

Wealth & Financial state

Has never been as rich as he's portrayed himself. Parlayed some wealth into a lot of influence through exaggerations, scams, and outright lies.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
bald; wears a bad blond wig
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
orange, leathery
5'11" or 1.8m
Quotes & Catchphrases
You know, I'm, like, a smart person.
Nothing is easy, but who wants nothing?
Always try to learn from other peoples' mistakes, not your own. It is much cheaper that way!
If you hang around with losers, you become a loser.
The beauty of me is that I'm very rich.
In life you have to rely on the past, and that's called history.
When people make the mistake of underestimating me, that's when they are really in for their biggest surprise!
Don't tell me it doesn't work. Torture works, ok folks?
I am the least racist person there is.
I have great judgement. I have good judgement. I know what's going on.
Life is difficult no matter what, but hard work and perseverence make it a lot easier.
Do you mind if I sit back a little? Because your breath is very bad.
When somebody says something about me, I hate them for the rest of my life.
Aligned Organization


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